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Our future, our universe, and other weighty topics

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Naked-Eye Sightings of Mysterious Orbs (Part 7)

Below are some posts I have published about people reporting they saw mysterious orbs with the naked eye:

Let us look at some more cases of this type. 

In 2012 NASA released a light map of planet Earth made from observations by an orbiting satellite. The map was made from data acquired over nine days in April 2012 and 13 days in October 2012. Most continents appeared as expected. For example, the map of the United States showed many lights around the heavily populated east coast, but not much light around the Rocky Mountains, where much fewer people live.

But the light map had one big surprise: there were many lights shown over the eastern half of western Australia. The eastern half of western Australia has little population. So how could there be all these lights coming from such a sparsely populated area?  In my 2015 post here I discuss how a NASA "burn map" discredits the explanation that the lights were caused by vegetation fires. 

The very interesting TV show "What on Earth?" which can be seen on HBO Max deals mostly with anomalies that show up in satellite photos. One episode partially deals with the Australian mystery lights (Season 1, episode 6).  Below is a photo of my TV screen at the moment the program was discussing the strange lights.  Few people live in the area with most of the lights we see below.

At the 36 minutes left mark in the episode, we have an interview with an aboriginal Australian named Francis who suggests an explanation.  He recalls seeing several times what the Australians call "min min lights."  The narrator says this:  "For centuries, aboriginal peoples have told stories of bright hovering lights in Australia; they're known as min min lights."

Francis gives this eyewitness account:

"This light would appear from -- it seems from out of nowhere, I can't explain it. But it was a shimmering ball of fire-like substance. It would dance through the trees to its own rhythm, it would seem. It would hover there and shimmer and then PHEW it was gone." 

The narrator tells us that there have been thousands of reports of these mysterious "min min lights," and that "eyewitnesses report seeing glowing orbs in the sky." The episode gives us no preferred explanation of the cause of the lights shown on the screen above, leaving the matter as one of its many unsolved mysteries.

An Australian news article says this about this topic:

"The lights have been described by witnesses as floating, fast-moving balls of colour that glow in the night sky...Sometimes the lights are blue and other times they are white or yellow.

In Queensland, the Boulia Shire Council notifies visitors 'in the interest of tourism' that they are in the land of the Min Min lights and that they may spot them as they drive for the next 120 kilometres....Some Aboriginal people believe the Min Min lights are the spirits of elders."

The following case report comes from a scientific paper published in Frontiers in Psychology:

"One evening, while I was in the room where we were staying, I suddenly saw a great white light. It was not dazzling, but its whiteness was unnatural, I mean it did not seem to be like the white light from natural or artificial sources we know, nor did it come in from outside. Then, some balls of light appeared; I did not count them, but there were perhaps five or six, and they could have been about 1.5 meters in diameter. These balls were translucent with the same color as the light, but less transparent and thicker, though I noticed that they did not cast any shadow. At the time, I had a profound feeling as if all the beings of the world were within me and, at the same, I felt as if I were within them. The source of light was ellipsoid. It was Love and Joy, and I felt a sort of stream through me. I use the term ‘stream’, but it was not so clearly definable. I cannot use the term ‘wind’, because wind comes from outside, while I felt this stream inside me. I was so enraptured that I had stopped breathing. I was fully lucid, however, and realized that I was not breathing, so I started breathing again, but my breathing disturbed the vision and, after a few breaths, it vanished.”

Recently in the news we read this story:

"Images and videos of the observation flooded Chinese social media platforms Monday, with many users commonly describing it as a 'misty ball of light' that moved from west to east without emitting any sound...The ball of light appeared Monday morning above the nation's capital and as far as Tianjin and the central province of Shanxi and Shandong in the east." 

We then hear some astronomer speculating about excess fuel released by a rocket, but the speculation does not sound very plausible, and no evidence is provided to back it up. We should remember in cases like these that scientists are almost infinitely imaginative in inventing stories to explain sightings they find embarrassing, and seem to prefer the most wispy speculation to simply saying, "I don't know what that was." 

The report below of a mysterious orb comes from 1837:

"During the night a luminous sphere was observed by local people. It came closer to the ground at dawn, illuminating the fields with an intense reddish glow."

In the same book we read this:

"Imagine that we have been transported back in time to Hamburg, Germany, on the 15th day of December in the year of the Lord 1547. Historian Simon Goulart, in his Tresors Admirables et Memorables de notre Temps (1600) writes that on that day the sailors who were aboard ships in the harbor of Hamburg saw in the air, at midnight, a glistening globe as fiery as the Sun."

On another page of the book we read of a Saint Benedict who "saw the soul of Germanus, Bishop of Capua, in a fiery globe to be carried up by Angels into heaven."  Another page of the book gives us this account from 1382:

"Before the Maillets uprising, a fiery flashing globe was seen for a period of eight days, 'roaming from door to door above the city of Paris, without there being any wind agitation nor lightning or noise of thunder, and on the contrary, the weather never ceased to be serene.' "

1433 report stated that "a luminous globe appeared in the air for several hours." We read that 11 years later in Italy the following occurred:

"Over three months multiple witnesses saw globes of light, golden in color, both inside and outside a church. The story by Don Massimo, a Benedictine monk, mentions that 'turning to the church he and his companions saw a globe as thick as a printing press.' "

We read that in 1650 "A luminous globe brighter than the Moon shed a vertical light on the city, and then it faded as it passed over the enemy camp."

From 1729 we have this account:

"Two hours prior to sunrise, M. Suen-Hof saw red vapors in the sky, which stretched in wide bands from north to south, then proceeded to gather together into a fiery globe about two feet in diameter. The globe kept moving in the same direction where the reddish vapors had appeared. It emitted sparks and was as bright as the sun. After moving through a quarter of the sky it disappeared abruptly, leaving thick black smoke and a burst of sound similar to cannon shot."

The same page tells us the next year someone saw "an amazing Globe of fire," as large as a building. In 1864 the following was reported in Florence, Italy. 

" 'A white globe of fire many times larger than the full moon seemed hanging almost motionless in the air.'  Shades of orange and blue passed over its surface. After a full minute it suddenly disappeared, vanishing on the spot. The witness adds: 'Only just before its disappearance a smaller ball was seen immediately below it, of a fiery orange colour, the first one appearing at that moment of the same hue."

We had recently in the Daily Mail an article with the title "Mystery of Massachusetts' 'Monsterland' - a five-mile stretch of unchartered woods where locals claim they've seen flying saucers, glowing orange orbs and BIG FOOT."  The article is about a wooded area near Leominster, Massachusetts in the USA. We have a video interview with a Bigfoot investigator. At the 2:10 mark in the video the man says, "We witnessed a ball of light change and turn into two eyes...and then become basically this eight-foot shadow that ran in front of us." 

We read this:

"Claims of apelike creatures, humanoid footprints, and car engines suddenly giving out are now rife - with several, including Le Blanc, spotting strange orbs floating overhead.

He believes the latter and the at-large beast are indelibly linked, citing other reports of people actually spotting the monster holding these 'orange spheres'.

Different objects described as 'flying saucers' have also been reported, with some caught on camera.

Le Blanc suspects they are all related, and claims to have witnessed the floating orbs at least nine times over the years

Several other sightings have been reported since, including one on July 3 of 2012, and another almost ten years later on April 13, 2022.

Both occurrences were caught on camera, and the orbs in each are eerily identical. 

All the more alarming is that the strange orange objects - reminiscent even from afar of fireballs - fit the descriptions of countless Leominster residents over the decades, including several whom have spoke to Le Blanc.

'People have seen Bigfoot holding an orb,' he told the outlet during a tour through  the area in 2022. 'They look like a basketball with plasma swirling around and they’re silent. I've just seen them hovering over the sky and just blink out and disappear.' "

The British medium Gladys Osborne Leonard achieved successes so remarkable that she is sometimes called "the British Leonora Piper," a reference to a medium whose successes are described here.  Gladys stated that she was visiting friends while her mother was sick, and Gladys awoke at 2 AM:

"I looked up and saw in front of me, but about five feet above the level of my body, a large, circular patch of light about four feet in diameter. In this light I saw my mother quite distinctly.  Her face looked several years younger than I had seen it a few hours before. A pink flush of health was on her cheeks, her eyes were clear and shining, and a smile of utter happiness was on her lips. She gazed downward on me for a moment, seeming to convey to me an intense feeling of relief and a sense of safety and well-being. Then the vision faded. I was awake all the time, quite conscious of my surroundings."

The next day she found her mother had died at 2 AM. 

 The book "Automatic Or Spirit Writing: With Other Psychic Experiences" by Sara A. Underwood is an interesting account of the paranormal, one that can be read online free using the link here. On page 35 Sara gives this account of witnessing the death of a friend:

"Slowly over the dying one's face spread a mellow radiant mist — I know no other way to describe it. In a few moments it covered the dying face as with a veil, and spread in a circle of about a foot beyond, over the pillow, the strange yellowish white light all the more distinct from the partial darkness of the room. Then from the center of this, immediately over the hidden face, appeared an apparently living face with smiling eyes which looked directly into mine, gazing at me with a look so full of comforting assurance that I could scarcely feel frightened. But it was so real and so strange that I wondered if I were temporarily crazed, and as it disappeared I called some one from another room, and went out into the open air for a few moments to recover myself under the midnight stars. When I was sure of myself I returned and took my place again alone. Then I asked that, if that appearance were real and not an hallucination, would it be made once more manifest to me ; and again the phenomenon was repeated, and the kind, smiling face looked up at me — a face new to me yet wondrously familiar."

My photo below from October 2015 shows a mysterious blue orb with face-like features:

orb face

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