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Saturday, June 10, 2023

Naked Eye Sightings of Mysterious Orbs (Part 4 of 4)

Mysterious orbs mainly show up in photographs, as if they were fleeting manifestations appearing too quickly to be seen with the naked eye. Orbs of many colors have showed up countless times in my photos, which have produced almost 1500 mysterious blue orbs, and more than 800 mysterious striped orbs.  But in many cases people will report seeing a mysterious orb with the naked eye. I quoted many such accounts in Part 1 of this series and in Part 2 of this series and Part 3 of this series. 

In the book Opening Minds by Simeon Hein PhD, we read the following on page 124:

"Strange things began to happen in my bedroom at night. One time I woke up to see this blue, semi-solid ball of light moving around my room. I closed my eyes, thinking I was making it up. Opening my eyes again, I still saw the ball up towards the ceiling. After a few seconds, it vanished." 

On page 147-149 the author talks about balls of light supposedly seen or photographed near crop circles. On page 149 he states the following about crop circle formations:

"While the balls of light may be dismissed by some as unknown electromagnetic phenomena, they often appear to possess some innate intelligence in their movements. In several of the known sightings of these objects, they appear to move deliberately in and out of nearby formations. Whether the balls of light are guided probes or living organisms of some sort remains to be seen."

On page 156 of the book, we read the following:

"The luminous objects seen near crop formations appear to be intelligently controlled. In the case of Steve Alexander’s ball of light, it appeared to explore one formation and then skipped to another nearby. It then caused a tractor to stall for approximately thirty seconds as it passed overhead. The tractor driver said it looked like a glowing beach ball. In the Barbury ’99 formation, the object made an abrupt turn right over the formation and then sped off. In another instance, a group of German tourists witnessed a ball of light make five passes over and through a crop formation. In several cases, some on video tape, military helicopters are seen to approach balls of light over crop formations and attempt to chase them away. In one instance related to me by Colin Andrews, the balls of light appeared to do a dance around two military helicopters before speeding off. "

Anyone scoffing at such an idea should be reminded of the similar sightings of mysterious lights often reported by World War II pilots, who gave them the name "foo fighters," even though they looked nothing like planes. A recent Daily Mail article refers to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), an office within the United States Office of the Secretary of Defense. The article says, "According to AARO's statistics of UFO reports between 1996 and 2023, only 1% are polygons (like an octagon), 2% disk-shaped, while 52% are orbs or spherical."

Reports of the appearance of a phantom called Bien Boa are some of the strangest stories in the literature of the paranormal.  One such account by Professor Charles Richet can be read beginning on page 269 of Volume 2 of the Annals of Psychical Research.  On page 179 of Volume 3 of the Annals of Psychical Research, we read this about this Bien Boa:

"This witness had also been present at the building-up of B. B. outside the cabinet in the form of a whirling white ball, from which there presently proceeded first the head and then the whole body ; he has also heard B. B. speak and give moral advice."

A similar account appears on page 416 of the same volume, which talks about a white ball that "in less than two minutes transformed itself into a materialised spirit."  (The page numbers I just gave refer to the page numbers appearing in the volume, rather than the PDF file page numbers.)

The folowing account is from page 68 of the  book Extraterrestrial Contact by Kathleen Marden. The "me" in the narrative is Kathleen, and the "Jim" in the account is someone diagnosed with cancerous lymphoma, which involved greatly enlarged lymph nodes on the left side of his neck.

"Jim had been photographing lighted orbs that he'd seen floating in his home, but prior to his surgery, he mailed an astounding video to me. It showed a beautiful white orb surrounded by a light blue halo .... It flew like a butterfly, morphing as it crossed his bedroom and hovered over his body, shooting rainbow light beams downward. It then dove into his body.  The following day, the nodes on Jim's neck had significantly decreased in size. On the day of his surgery, four small necrotic nodes were removed. No cancer was noted. It seems like a miracle!" 

On page 135 Kathleen reports seeing an orb moving around her son's bedroom dramatically, and says, "The orb appeared to have intelligence." On page 136 we read that "more than 60 percent of the survey takers who participated in MUFON's Experiencer Survery have observed lighted orbs in their homes."

The link here shows only reports of UFOs made to one reporting agency (the National UFO Reporting Center), and only reports of sphere-like UFOs. We see more than 60 reports of sphere-like UFOs sighted during the first five months of 2023, in different parts of the US, with most of the reports mentioning a duration of more than a minute.  Overall the National UFO Reporting Center has more than 7000 reports of UFOs classified as "spheres," which is more than the number of reports they have of UFOs classified as disks. 

In 2019 the New York Times  published a report on UFOs. The report begins like this:

"The strange objects, one of them like a spinning top moving against the wind, appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East Coast. Navy pilots reported to their superiors that the objects had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but that they could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds. 'These things would be out there all day,' said Lt. Ryan Graves, an F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot."

Later we have an account of a pilot seeing a mysterious orb flying between two Navy jets that were only about 100 feet apart from each other:

"The pilot and his wingman were flying in tandem about 100 feet apart over the Atlantic east of Virginia Beach when something flew between them, right past the cockpit. It looked to the pilot, Lieutenant Graves said, like a sphere encasing a cube."

A sphere encasing a cube?  That kind of "rings a bell" with me, as I did once get a square shape in an orb, as shown below (a photo from this 2018 post):

square inside orb

There are some remarkable accounts at the sites https://www.oberf.org and https://www.adcrf.org.  For example, in this account a man reports having a cardiac arrest that put him in a coma for several days. He says,  "The bass player and the singer both agreed, though, that at the time of my collapse, they saw my spirit rise up out of my body." Similarly, this account states, "I was shocked to see a mist leave from his head, which instantly turned into an exact duplicate of his body," and in  this account a man says his wife "witnessed a mist-like substance leaving the head of a patient who died." Similarly, in this account someone states, "Momma said she actually saw a thin white mist rise above the bed" when someone died in her arms.

In this remarkable account, a woman reports seeing and feeling an orb at the time of her grandmother's death:

"I was on a camping trip, down by the Columbia River. I was asleep, and was awoken, around 5 in the morning. I was on my back, looking straight up at the ceiling and noticed I couldn't move. But, I wasn't scared at all. Suddenly,  a bright orb of light came down, through the ceiling and flew into my chest. My vision was filled with the brightest, whitest light I have ever seen, but it didn't bother me. As soon as the orb entered my chest, I knew it was my grandmother Cecilia, she was speaking to me, inside my mind. She came to tell me goodbye, and to tell me everything was going to be all right, and she loved me. Then she shot back out of my chest, and back up through the ceiling, and I could move again. I woke my boyfriend up, and told him, my Grandma just died. And he laughed and said, no, go back to sleep it was just a dream. Later that morning about, around 8 in the morning, my brother in law, came and found where we were camping, and told me my grandma had died early that morning, and I said yeah I already knew."

A quite similar story is told in this account of a woman's experience the month after her mother died:

"One night in October, I had just gotten in bed when I saw a ball of softly glowing mist slowly descend upon my bed from the corner of the ceiling.  I was speechless as I saw it slowing coming towards me.  Somehow I knew it was my mother, even though I couldn't discern a body or a shape.  The mist enveloped me as I lay in bed and filled me with feelings of love and calm.  I had the presence of mind not to move or open my eyes, because somehow I knew that it would spoil the moment.  I just forced myself to remain calm and focus on every moment so that I could remember the experience. 

"My mother communicated telepathically with me by repeating my name over and over, saying, 'Eve, Eve, Eve, I love you so much.  I love you so much.  Don't worry about me.  Where I am, there's complete freedom, freedom, freedom!  Tell your brothers and sisters I love them and I will always be with you all.'  The mist slowly gathered itself in a ball, once again, and slowly ascended to the ceiling, then it was gone.  I immediately opened my eyes and had this incredulous feeling when I realized that I had just been visited by my mother!"

We have four similarities between this account and the previous account mentioning a grandmother Cecilia:

(1) In both accounts an orb or ball is seen by a woman, with the orb or ball coming from the ceiling.
(2) In both accounts the orb or ball touches a woman's body, either enveloping it or seeming to enter into it.
(3) In both accounts there there then follows what seems like a telepathic communication between the woman and her mother or grandmother, with a message of love.
(4) In both accounts the orb or ball is seen to exit from the ceiling.

The report of the orb appearing from the "corner of the ceiling" is interesting to me, as the first orb photo I ever took (years ago) showed an orb in the corner of the ceiling.

Speaking of spooky round shapes appearing at the corners of ceilings, here is another account of such a thing, made by a woman describing her father's death, and comparing what she saw to a corporate logo that is kind of a blurry ring shape:

"I had turned to my right and as I turned back around my eyes glanced up toward the corner of the ceiling on my  right and I saw a circle of mist hovering in the corner.  The only way I can describe the circle is that it looks exactly like the Lucent Technologies circle on their sign, like a wide circle with kind of a tail escaping the circle  but it wasn't red it was a hazy mist/fog.  I have reviewed this in my mind a thousand times since his death and I think my dad's spirit had already left his body."

The link here takes you to a rather interesting Ancient Aliens episode you can watch on www.youtube.com.  At about the 38:15 mark, we hear someone referring to a strange very old site, and saying that at the place there have been "many, many sightings of orbs and lights that have been seen hovering around." 

The Washington Post said this about flying orbs: "In some cases, pilots—many of whom are engineers and academy graduates—claimed to observe small spherical objects flying in formation." This is probably a reference to sightings in recent years. It is known that quite a few World War II pilots reported mysterious balls of light near their planes. They were called "foo fighters."  A web page says, "Toward the end of World War II pilots began reporting seeing UFOs - Unidentified Flying Objects - in the shape of strange glowing balls flying around their aircraft at night."

A news report mention a man in Pennsylvania who saw bright orbs.  He recalls the following:

“This extremely bright orb appeared. I thought it was a life flight helicopter. It didn’t move. Then two other orbs appeared, and they were in a perfect alignment with each other (straight up and down). They started to move as if they were attached to each other. Then another identical line of orbs, three in each line, a total of four lines evenly spaced.”

He also reported this:

"It was like they were all connected. The spacing between each orb and each line was evenly spaced. The middle orb would just disappear then in a blink of an eye they would be there.”

It is interesting that this witness reported the orbs moving towards Kecksburg, Pennsylvania -- the site of a famous UFO incident that occurred long ago.

The document here is a long collection of reports of people who reported seeing something paranormal. Mixed within the reports are occasional reports of people seeing mysterious orbs with their own eyes, or photographing orbs with an image inside them. Below are some of the interesting reports. 

Page 65: ‘I have often seen lights orbs and mists while watching TV or listening to music.’
Page 69: “The second kind were like orbs of light darting around, you could see light bursting from their bodies. ”
Page 113: “Once back home, I zoomed in on my orb photos taken during that last evening, and found upon enlargement, in one of them, there was an unmistakable being with wings.”
Page 114: “It was dark outside and I pressed halfway down on my camera and through the viewfinder, there were about three large blue orbs right by the window pane, as if they were looking in on us from the outside!”
Page 115: “I have managed to see little blue lights or orbs around my flat from time to time.”
Page 115: “The third fairy, which also appeared in an orb, was blue and had a cherubic face. 
Page 115: “In another photo of an orb, a blue one, when enlarged, I could make out a beatific little childlike face, which had a garland of flowers round its neck.”
Page 115: "Though it appeared in an orb, I had the impression (perhaps this was communicated to me telepathically) that this being’s real size was much taller than I am.”
Page 116: “The blue orbs appeared when I was playing with my cat Fig.”
Page 138: “When involved in healing work have observed small winged creatures inside different colored orbs of light around subject.”
Page 201: “I have seen a lot of things in my life, like ghosts, orbs, UFOs but have never seen a mythical creature like the beloved fairy.”
Page 223: “What they were seeing were lights, like glowing orbs the size of a fist.”
Page 270: “Other things happened in that cabin on the water that were what you might call supernatural, but nothing like the glowing orb ever appeared to any human person ever again.”
Page 294: “‘I have taken photos of spirit orbs and Earth bound souls for over a year now. I am gifted to be able to cross souls to the light therefore my love and light are very strong and I attract a lot of spirits and angels to me as you can imagine.”
Page 304: “Then a florescent purple orb about the size of a small basket ball came into the room and landed next to me on the bed. We exchanged a mental greeting to each other and I thanked it for showing itself to me. Then it streaked out of the room disappearing through the ceiling.”
Page 314: Going back to camp my friend saw a floating orb light, it looked like a lantern floating through the air. We camped in these woods several nights and saw the orb lights twice more. 
Page 314: “I turned to see what was making the sound and an ORB about two and a half inches in circumference flew over my shoulder and in front of me. I was in awe. It was golden green with a tinge of blue and it left a trail of glittering gold with a tinge of green ‘dust’ behind it. Even after the orb disappeared the glittering dust remained until it slowly faded. It was the most beautiful thing, that I had ever seen. 
Page 318: “Faerie orbs fly around the house and gardens.”

On page 179 of her fascinating book Phenomena: The Secret History of the US Government's Investigations Into Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis, journalist Annie Jacobsen recounts an amazing incident. She says that according to Kit Green  --a "contract monitor for the CIA" --  while psychic Uri Geller was being tested by scientists in 1975 -- tests funded by the US government -- some "nuclear weapons engineers had reported seeing things they could not rationally explain." Green says these things were seen:

"Items flying across the room. Lights flashing. A six-inch ball of light, rolling down the hallway. One scientist reported seeing a flying orb."

The interesting "Mysterious Universe" site (www.mysteriousuniverse.org) reported here that there have  been many visual reports of mysterious orbs in the skies over the nation of Turkey.  The site says the following:

"The photographs generally show a cluster of four or five orbs (although some show up to twice that many) or lights, usually in the shape of a triangle or wedge. The photographs show the orbs in a cluster to be the same size, although one alleged to have been taken on the same night shows a large light orbited by smaller ones."

The following remarkable account regarding orbs comes to us from Jo Mooy:

"Though I’ve seen Orbs in my photographs since 2003; I’ve also seen Orbs without a camera and witnessed them 'powering up' when spoken to.  The most remarkable occurrence was two days after the death of my neighbor.  The lights in my house began to flicker on and off.  When I ventured into the living room I saw two very large Orbs near the ceiling. Realizing Kathy had just passed I asked, 'Is that you, Kathy?'  At that moment, one of the Orbs powered up brightly and stayed that way for about ten seconds.  Knowing Kathy wanted to be with her mother who had previously passed over, I asked 'Is that your mother with you?'  And the second Orb powered up.  Eventually, they both faded from view, but not before being documented by two people in the house."

On page 272 of the interesting book The Supernatural: A New Vision of the Unexplained by Whitley Strieber and Jeffrey J. Kripal, there is an interesting account by a man named Stuart. Stuart says that when he was in the Big Sur area of California, he once suddenly saw golden orbs emerging from the ground a few feet in front of him. He says they produced a strange effect on him: "They induced in me an overwhelming calm and a peculiar serenity that I hadn't experienced before then, and haven't experienced since."  The orbs then disappeared.  According to Kripal, "such glowing orbs, it turns out, are fairly well-known in the larger Big Sur community." 

On this page of the National UFO Reporting Center, there is a summary of how many reports were made of UFOs, organized by the shape of what was reported. The table tells us that 13,892 of the UFOs had a shape of "circle," that 5363 had a shape of "orb," and that 7482 of the UFOs had a shape of "sphere." It seems that reports of such circular or spherical objects are more common that reports of disks, with only 8497 having a reported shape of "disk."

In the video here Randy Schiefer tells a long and very interesting story of his near-death experience. Orbs appear twice in the account. At the 18 minute mark, Randy tells how after seeing what looked like heavenly wonders, he found himself in a void:

"I was in a void...But there were orbs of light that were passing by."

At the 19:41 mark he says this:

"This orb of light caught my attention...It materialized into a human face."

Randy reports that the face said to tell Madison at the salon that her grandfather was okay; and that this was followed by a sight of someone making American flags and red, white and blue ribbons on a white porch. Randy said he did not recognize the name, but soon met such a Madison at a salon, who said her grandfather used to make flags and red, white and blue ribbons every Memorial Day, and used to love sitting on the white porch of his home. 

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