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Our future, our universe, and other weighty topics

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Dreams, Visions or Premonitions That Seemed to Correctly Predict a Death

 In the series of posts below, I discussed dreams, visions or mysterious voices that seemed to foretell a death or disaster:

When Dreams or Visions Foretell a Death

More Dreams or Visions That Seemed to Foretell a Death

Still More Dreams or Visions That Seemed to Foretell a Death

Still More Dreams, Visions or Voices That Seemed to Foretell a Death

Some More Dreams or Visions That Seemed to Foretell a Death or Disaster

When the Future Whispers to the Present

Let us look at some more cases of this type.

Below is a newspaper account that begins with some graphic pizazz:

premonition of death

Here are the details on the next part of the page:

accurate dream of death

You can read the article here:


Below is a newspaper account of a 35-year-old man who had in quick succession three dreams of his own death, and who very soon thereafter did die unexpectedly. 

dream foretelling a death

You can read the account here:

Below is an account of a man who had a premonition of his death, one that proved true ten minutes later:

premonition of death

You can read the account here:


Below is an account of a man who had a dream of his partner's death, one that seemed to soon be proved true:

prophetic dream

You can read the account here:

Next we have one of the strangest accounts to appear in this series of posts. It involves an account of the levitation of a shield, a levitation that is interpreted as an omen of death, an omen that very quickly is  fulfilled. The account might be dismissed by a person not familiar with the many well-authenticated cases of levitation of objects (such as the very abundant cases of table levitations reported in the nineteenth century). 

levitation as omen of death

You can read the account here:

Below is a very sad newspaper account of a death foretold in a dream:

dream foretelling death
You can read the account here:

The account below is from December 11, 1883, and it summarizes a report that appeared in the Baltimore Sun three days earlier (an account quoted on page 291 of the document here). In the account a young man says that a deceased former teacher of his appeared to him in a vision and told him that he would die of heart trouble on December 5, at 3 o'clock. He did indeed die on December 5, at 3 o'clock, apparently of heart trouble, even though he had no history of heart trouble.  

vision accurately predicting a death

You can read the account here:

Below is another newspaper account of a healthy young person who becomes convinced of imminent death, with the vision or premonition soon realized. We can only wonder what the woman meant by saying she saw "the crape hanging from the door."

fulfilled premonition of death

You can read the account here:

Below is a sad account that appeared on page 58 of the January 26, 1934 edition of the periodical Light, which you can read here:

"A woman went into hospital for treatment, leaving at home her husband and four children. One day she was suddenly seized with violent weeping and distress, declaring that her youngest child, aged four, had fallen into the river and been drowned. In order to calm her and convince her that her fears were groundless, the doctors allowed her to pay a visit to her home, where she found all well, ·including the · youngest, whom she kissed and embraced repeatedly, returning to the hospital satisfied. A week later she received the news that this child had been drowned, exactly as she had foreseen."

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