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Sunday, September 15, 2024

They Said They Saw a Husband's Apparition

 My 2021 post "They Said They Saw a Wife's Apparition" describes many accounts of people who claimed to see an apparition of their wives. It's time I did a similar post looking at such reports coming from females. 

The Chronicling America web site allows you to do text searches of American newspapers from 1756 to 1963.  Searching for the phrase "apparition of her husband" on the site produces 45 matches. For example, in one newspaper account we read this:

"Calling together her friends and neighbors, she told them she had just seen an apparition of her husband, who, for two years had been absent In New York. He appeared to her to be lying in a hospital with one hand covering his breast, and he told her that he had been gravely wounded. The day after she received a cablegram from America informing her that her husband was dying, having been stabbed by an emissary of the Black Hand."

Below is another account of a wife seeing her husband's apparition: 

In another newspaper account, we read this account of a wife seeing her husband's apparition:

apparition of husband

In another newspaper account we read this account of a wife seeing her husband's apparition:

husband's apparition

The account below tells of a woman seeing her husband's apparition. It is case of a common type, in which someone sees an apparition of someone long dead, with the witness of the apparition very quickly dying. In this type the witness is "ghost-told" of a death, but not someone else's death, but the imminent death of the witness herself or himself. The wording of the account makes it unclear whether the witness was awake or having a vivid dream, although given the facts that follow, it may make little difference. 

deathbed vision

You can read the account here:

You might call the account below "the husband who broke up his widow's wedding":

ghost prevents wedding

You can read the account here:


Below is yet another account of a wife claiming to have been visited by her husband's apparition -- a chatty apparition, it seems.

The account below (involving society trying to suppress an account of an apparition) reminds me of the similar suppression of accounts of the paranormal occurring in academia, which is constantly trying to uphold a senseless "nothing spooky allowed" filter bubble in which people are prevented about learning of relevant observations.

suppression of reports of the paranormal

You can read the account here:

The item below is about as strange a story of seeing your husband's apparition as you could find. We read of a ghost haunting his wife's home for 14 years, until the wife finally got sick and tired of such activity:

persistent apparition

You can read the account here:

I hope any widow who sees a husband's ghost will have a more pleasant experience than the one reported below:

attacked by a ghost

You can read the report here:

A much happier account of an encounter with a husband's ghost is contained below:

husband's ghost

You can read the account here:

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