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Our future, our universe, and other weighty topics

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Toxic Effects of the "Universal Acid" They Want Us All to Swallow

 Darwinist materialism helped pave the way for bloodshed, cruelty and oppression in a variety of ways:

(1) Creating the myth that human origins had been scientifically explained, Darwinism helped paved the way for totalitarian atheism, which in Russia, China, North Korea and Cambodia proved to be history's most enormous engine of mass murder and oppression, cropping up tens of millions of dead bodies at the hands of people like Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot, along with millions of others who were put in the living hell of places such as the Soviet gulag prison camps. For example, in the wikipedia.org article “Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union,” we read, “The total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range between 12-20 million.” We read details such as these:

  •  “In the years 1917–1935, 130,000 Russian Orthodox priests were arrested; 95,000 were put to death, executed by firing squad.” 
  • "During the purges of 1937 and 1938, church documents record that 168,300 Russian Orthodox clergy were arrested. Of these, over 100,000 were shot."
Similarly, a CIA document refers to attacks by the Red Guard in Maoist China that "spared no religious group in China." On the page here we read of some of the unspeakable persecutions Communist officials used on religious students (seminarians). 

(2) Creating the very absurd myth that humans did not fundamentally differ from animals, a ludicrous claim taught by Darwin himself, Darwinism paved the way for people to slaughter their fellow men while thinking they were doing something not much worse than killing animals. 

(3) Centered around phrases such as "struggle for existence," "the preservation of favored races," and "survival of the fittest," Darwinism provided an ideological underpinning for systems such as Hitlerism, Leninism and Maoism that were based on the cruelest exploitation and oppression of the weak by the strong. 

All of this was so unnecessary, because a proper analysis of biology would have centered upon things such as cooperation and harmony and organization and component teamwork and mutual interdependence, which are all necessary in mountainous amounts for organisms and ecosystems to exist. A careful study of such things will tend to lead you in the opposite direction of some emphasis on a brutal "struggle for existence," and also lead you away from all boasts of understanding how we got such marvels. But rather than studying the gigantic levels of cooperation and harmony and coordination and organization and component teamwork and mutual interdependence within nature, which were things defying his boasts, Darwin shunned a study of such key facets of nature, focusing on only things that fitted in with his explanatory boasts. 

The effects of Darwinism on human history have been extremely pernicious. Darwinism continues to be a comfort for racists trying to justify their erroneous claims. I have noticed a tendency for racism promotion at a major Darwinism-friendly science news site, which I will document in a future post. The continued popularity of  Darwinism in academia (despite the disastrous moral effects of Darwinism) is not so surprising when we consider that Marxism was popular in pockets of US academia during the late 1960's, at a time when the worst bloody excesses of the Maoist Cultural Revolution were occurring, and decades after millions had needlessly died under the hands of Marxist regimes such as Stalin's. A small fraction of professors in sociology and economics continues to support Marxism. It is sometimes joked that Marxism is dead everywhere in the world except in academia.

On the page here of The Black Book of Communism, we read this estimate of state-caused deaths in communist countries:

U.S.S.R.: 20 million deaths
China: 65 million deaths
Vietnam: I million deaths
North Korea: 2 million deaths
Cambodia: 1 million deaths
Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths
Africa: 1.7 million deaths
Afghanistan: 1.5 million deaths

Some of the larger numbers above are highly uncertain. 

Last month a news article informed us that a senior biology researcher at Charles Darwin University in Australia has been sentenced to ten years in prison for heinous crimes.  We read this:

"Adam Robert Corden Britton was sentenced in Darwin Supreme Court on Thursday having pleaded guilty to 56 offences related to the torture and sexual exploitation of more than 42 dogs on his rural property. The 53-year-old, who was born in West Yorkshire and earned a PhD in zoology from Bristol University before emigrating to Australia, was sentenced to 10 years and five months with a non-parole period of six years, backdated to his April 2022 arrest."

We read of horrid crimes involving many acts of dog rape and dog torture occurring over many years,  and that "Britton was also sentenced for possessing and transmitting 'the worst category' of child sexual abuse material."  Some are complaining that he got off with too light a sentence. The dog rapist filmed his crimes so that others could watch his abuses. 

Why should we not be surprised to read about such a thing? It is because biologists are trained in a system of belief that does nothing to encourage morality, and does very much to corrode the possible underpinnings of morality.  Darwinism cheerleader Daniel Dennett  loved to say that Darwinism was a "universal acid." This much seems clear: Darwinist materialism often acts as an acid to dissolve away the foundations of morality. A wikipedia.org article on the the infamous Columbine school massacre tells us this about one of the two mass murderer shooters:  "On the day of the massacre, Harris wore a white T-shirt with the words 'Natural selection' printed in black." A wikipedia.org article tells us that the gunman in the worst mass shooting in US history (the 2017 Las Vegas massacre that killed 60 and gun-wounded 413) was an atheist, according to his girlfriend. Then in this decade there are one or two leaders each behind the slaughter of 30,000 or more innocents, both seeming like a materialist occasionally referring to religion merely to score political points.  

We should never be surprised to learn about wicked deeds by people who teach or believe falsehoods and lies like the falsehoods and lies mentioned below. In particular, any person who denies the existence of free will is a person you should expect to act in immoral ways. Such a person will think that he is not to blame for any crimes he commits, on the grounds that his neurons made him do it. 

bad teachers
Don't expect morality from bad teachers like these
It is good for a person to study things such as (1) the psychic phenomena and brain physical shortfalls that support the idea that all humans are souls rather than mere animals; (2) the fine-tuned laws and fundamental constants of the universe that lead us to suspect that we exist by the grace and wisdom of a transcendent reality providing the most concrete basis of immutable moral principles;  (3) the gigantic degree of cooperation and harmony and organization and component teamwork and mutual interdependence  within the bodies of humans and all other mammals; (4) the gigantic failure of biologists to credibly explain such biology marvels and the progression from a speck-sized zygote to a full human body, a shortfall leading to the idea that the vast physical organization of all mammals must result (directly or indirectly) from some transcendent purposeful agency.  Such studies may inspire in that person a beneficial ethics in which respect for all humans and mammals is encouraged, and harmony and the cooperative teamwork of very diverse agents is emphasized and prized, an ethic that is the opposite of the cruel and morally corrosive  "survival of the fittest" ideology, which reaches its most toxic nadir in the poisonous delusion of free will denialism.  

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