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Monday, August 12, 2024

Some Accounts of Out-of-Body Experiences

 Using the search link below, you can search for references to particular topics that appeared in the British publication Psychic News.  


Below are some interesting accounts that I got after searching for the phrase "out-of-body," as in "out-of-body experiences." (It worked much better to type the phrase in quotation marks rather than without them.) 

  • A researcher who sent out a survey asking people if they had an out-of-body experience was surprised to find that 70 out of 110 people reporting such experiences reported them occurring more than once (link). 
  • Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (a leading researcher on death) reported that she had a spontaneous out-of-body experience after one of her exhausting five-day seminars (link). 
  • A woman who had been blind from birth had an out-of-body experience during surgery, and after the surgery was able to report details of the operation that should have been unknown to her (link, link). 
  • A patient who had an out-of-body experience during a dental operation reported seeing two pennies on top of a high shelf while the patient floated above her body. The dentist got a ladder, and found that the two pennies were really there (link). 
  • An actor named Richard Squires reported that while doing a frantic dance while playing a role on stage, he suddenly had an out-of-body experience, and began viewing the audience from high above them, from what is known in the theater as the rafters (link). 
  • Anthony Chamberlaine-Brothers reported having a similar out-of-body experience during his acting performance, with an additional twist making the story more interesting (link). 
  • Marcel Picard reported having an out-of-body experience in which he floated above his body, eventually reaching other apartments below his (link). 
  • A retired army major named Derek Scull reported having two out-of-body experiences in which he viewed his body from outside of it (link). 
  •  Barbara Lambert said that during a difficult labor she floated out of her body to the ceiling, and saw her body from above, temporarily thinking that the body below her was her twin sister (link). 
  • A person being viciously beaten by the Nazis reportedly had an out-of-body experience in which he returned to his home, only to see his wife cavorting there with another man (link). 
  • A man having an out-of-body experience said that he felt more alive than ever before (link). 
  • A woman (W.H. Westley) said that at her son's funeral her heart fluttered, and she found herself high above the funeral attendees, addressed by the very son who had died (link). 
  • Arthur Sanders said he had an out-of-body experience during an operation. He says he felt himself "floating up, away from my  body," and then found himself in an open landscape, glittering with light (link). 
  • Ami Greenstead suffered from a rare illness causing many fainting experiences, but reported to her mother that she had out-of-body experiences during such events, going up to the ceiling and observing her body from above (link). 
  • Bryce Bond reports that when hospitalized from an allergic reaction, he rose up out of his body to the ceiling, before traveling through a dark tunnel, and meeting a dead relative he recognized (link). 
  • Psychologist E. E. Bernard claims to have left his body, and says he verified the accuracy of details given by someone reporting an out-of-body experience to a place he had never been (link). 
  • A wheelchair-bound young celebrity reported out-of-body experiences that may involve traveling far away from her body (link). 
  • A nurse claimed that three different times she had an out-of-body experience when one of her patients was dying, saying that she kind of mystically traveled with them towards some otherworldly destination, before being told she must go back (link).
  • Dick Battista reported floating above the operating table during a transplant operation and watching the surgeons do their work (link). 
  • The well-known movie actress Gloria Swanson reported an out-of-body experience (link). 
  • A road accident victim recalled separating from his body and watching from a distance as medical workers tried to revive him (link). 
  • While suffering a pulmonary embolism and days of unconsciousness in a hospital, Alan Cheek reported having an out-of-body experience in which he first saw medical workers working on his body and then encountered seeing his dead father and mother (link). 
  • Jason Winters reported that during an operation "I was aware that I had left my body," and found himself on a misty bridge before turning back (link). 
  • Soosie Holbeche reported that during a Caesarean section operation she found herself looking down on her body, feeling as if she had taken a dress off, later passing through a tunnel and having an expansion of consciousness before returning to her body (link, link). 
  • Olivia Robertson reported having an out-of-body experience that included a "long, long tunnel" and an encounter with her deceased mother (link). 
  • Young Kanta Smith reported an out-of-body experience while "dead" for 15 minutes before being revived. She described meeting a grandfather she had never even seen in a photo, and a parent says the description matched that of the grandfather (link). 
  • Stefan von Jankovich reported having an out-of-body experience during a car accident in which his heart stopped for six minutes. He reports floating out of his body, having a great feeling of peace, seeing accident bystanders and even reading their thoughts, hearing someone claim  it was too late and that Stefan was dead,  hearing heavenly music and having a life review in reverse order (link). 
  • Tommy Clack reported having an out-of-body experience when his legs and one of his arms were blown off during the Vietnam war. He reported looking down on his body as people gathered it for medical evacuation, and also reported communicating with soldiers who had died (link). 
  • Virginia Falce reported having an out-of-body experience as doctors were massaging her heart for three minutes, trying to revive her. She reported "I felt this absolute sense of love and peace embracing me, pulling me from somewhere. I looked over and could see it was coming from a glowing circle of light.
  • German government official Annamarie Renger reported leaving her body, and said that when she returned, it was like passing through a small tube (link). 
  • Marjorie Hall reported that she had an out-of-body experience during childbirth. She says, "I felt myself lift out of my body and float upward, " She reported seeing from above her body giving birth, at a height about 15 feet (about five meters) above the scene (link). 
  • A student claiming out-of-body experiences reportedly described correctly the home of her professor, which she had never physically seen, but claimed to have visited in an out-of-body experience (link). 
On page 77 of the February, 1926 edition of The International Psychic Gazette, we have an article by William A. Reid entitled "Out of the Body." He describes out-of-body experiences by himself and others, some of which may be near-death experiences. Below are some excerpts:

"I would confine my attention to the claim made by living persons that they have been out of the body. Mr. Oaten, the respected Editor of The Two Worlds, in the issue of his paper for January 1st, 1926, writes, ' I remember seeing my body on that bed, and saying to myself, " That left arm will be stiff and sore when I wake up." '  Then he describes what he saw—green fields, wonderful flowers, etc...There is a very large number of good solid folks, still in the flesh, who assert that they have been out of their bodies, and say that they saw their bodies in full consciousness and came back to reoccupy them. They have no story to tell of wonderful spirit journeys and experiences, as in the above instances. They merely assert that they saw their own bodies. I have had this simple experience ; and give it largely because of its unpretentiousness....I was fully awake. I looked down on my body, and felt tremendously elated. I should not describe the feeling as ecstasy or rapture ; it was rather that of joy and intense satisfaction. I was in no sense carried away by the feeling. I thought I was dead, and said to myself, ' Well, it’s all over, and I’m very glad.' Now I know that some will find fault with me for, so to speak, entering the Other World with a jest in my heart; but so it was. I seem to have become startled almost at once, for the next thing I felt was re-entering my body, gasping and panting and coughing. I thought I should have choked; but gradually the trouble subsided. Now this experience not only gave me the satisfactory proof that I am a spirit living in a body, but also that when the spirit leaves the body it experiences an exhilaration and uplift."

Those having an out-of-body experience may report being up near the ceiling....

        ...or a journey to some mystical realm 

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