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Our future, our universe, and other weighty topics

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wilcock's Stories About Extraterrestrials Are Spectacular but Secondhand

Viewers of the Ancient Aliens cable TV show will recognize David Wilcock from his frequent appearances on that show. Wilcock is the author of the very entertaining books The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key. Now he's back with a new book entitled The Ascension Mysteries. On page 15 of the book David tells us, “In this book I will combine the testimony of multiple whistle blowers who have information that makes Snowden's revelations seem like kindergarten class.”

A large part of the book consists of autobiographical recollections, which are mixed with historical accounts of what was going on at various points in his life. We hear about various psychic experiences David has had. Unfortunately, these recollections of youth spend quite a bit of time talking about drug use, which puts a question mark next to the psychic recollections.

Later in the book David gets into a discussion of various types of anomalies, such as strange unexplained things on the moon, including what is supposedly an obelisk in the Valley of Monuments region of the moon. Such a discussion involves publicly available knowledge. The really unique part of the book comes in its last third. David starts discussing some spectacular claims about UFOs, secret space programs, and extraterrestrials. What is his source for this information? It is a few people who have talked to David and made these claims. These people David calls his “insiders.”

According to these sources, David tells us on page 18, “we find out that there are good ET's and bad ET's, and they have been warring with one another in our solar system for hundreds of thousands of years.” On page 305 David tells us about an insider named Daniel who claimed that “a crashed and recovered ET craft was hooked up to a massive power supply at Montauk,” a town in Long Island, New York. Then, according to Daniel, a room was set up so that “any object the operator thought of, such as a wooden chair, could be made to physically materialize in the room.” On the next page, David tells us that he was told this apparatus eventually led to the creation of a time machine, and that “one man was crazy enough to go back in time and kill his father.” 

On page 312 to 316, David describes a man named Henry Deacon who “claimed to have personally seen approximately forty-three types of extraterrestrial species.” The man claimed to have worked on a Mars base with 200,000 personnel, only 10,000 of them from Earth.

On page 328 a source named Pete claims that there are 250 secret underground bases, each built to hold 65,000 people. The next page tells us that some group called the Cabal had a plan to move themselves and their friends into these bases in case of a nuclear war. That page also tells us that “a vast system of underground passageways called the 'sub-shuttle' system interlinks these cities together, even underneath oceans.”

I have seen too many incredibly strange things in my life to categorically rule out most of the claims in David's book, but I think the evidence value of the more spectacular claims is probably rather low. Very avid UFO buffs and conspiracy buffs may greatly enjoy David's book, but I don't think it will persuade people who are skeptical about such things. The problem is that David relies way too much on secondhand accounts from his small band of shadowy “insiders.” David does little to validate these sources, so we have no way of knowing whether they are just a few guys who spun tall tales to him. What little validation he provides isn't terribly convincing.

For example, on page 343 David tells us that one of these “insiders” named Jacob “claimed to have personally traveled to about two hundred off-planet bases, including many that were far outside our solar system.” This Jacob also claimed to have blueprints of a vast underground base that was planned but never built. David tells us on page 337 that Jacob showed David hundreds of blueprints that would have taken “over a million dollars” to have produced. But why hasn't David provided us with a single photograph of such a blueprint? The only photo he produces relating to this Jacob is a photo of the dinner plate he used when eating with this person, along with a strange claim that his food on this plate was probably disrupted by particle beam technology (page 343).

Another thing David could do to help validate these shadowy “insiders” would be to present transcripts of interviews with them. That way we could at least make some judgment such as “they sure don't sound like psychiatric patients who are off their medications.” But in his latest book David has no such thing. We seem to never hear directly from these “insiders,” but only hear David's summary of what they were saying. David does mention some pay-TV subscription channel in which he interviews one or more of them, but I am too much of a cheapskate to evaluate that.

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