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Our future, our universe, and other weighty topics

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

More Apparitions Seen by Multiple Witnesses

 Below is a startling news report from the November 1, 1899 edition of the Washburn Times:

apparition news report
You can read the report on its original page using the link below:


At the link here, we read some testimony from a Bishop Fallows of Chicago who stated, "My father and mother separately saw the apparition of a young man who died in England." 

At the link below, we read a story of an apparition seen by multiple witnesses:


Below is part of the account:

ghost sighting news account

In the August 18, 1894 edition of The Evening World, we had an account which you can read below:

The account states that multiple named witnesses swore they saw the same apparition:

newspaper account of ghost sighting

The newspaper account below includes an account of an apparition seen by multiple witnesses. 

The first part of the account is shown below:

ghost of Stead

An interesting claim is made that the photo in the top left is an example of spirit photography, and that the face in the top left (apparently that of psychical research James Hyslop) appeared mysteriously in a photograph of an open coffin and some people looking at it.  The article discusses sightings of an apparition of W. T. Stead, a well-known writer and editor who died in the Titanic sinking. 

The PhD researcher James Coates published a book-length symposium record entitled "Has W. T. Stead Returned? A Symposium" You can read the book using the link below:

Below are some claims made in the book about sightings of W. T. Stead after his death in the Titanic sinking.
  • On page 13 Mrs. Coates claims to have seen Stead "quite plainly" in a seance of May 3, 1912 (about two weeks after the Titanic sinking).
  • On page 32 James Lawrence says that "If ever I saw a form, I saw him." 
  • On page 70 someone identified as "Arch. Bryson" says that on June 13, 1912 he saw a "manifestation of W. T. Stead," and that "there was no chance of mistaking the massive head and rugged features and the expressive eyes."
  • On page 74 W. T. Stead's daughter Estelle says "three weeks after the ‘Titanic’ disaster, I saw my father’s head and shoulders, as plainly as I saw them when last we met on earth."  She says she also heard his voice. On page 105 she says she saw her father's face and heard his voice on June 23, 1912.
  • On page 85 we read Edith K. Harper say that she and her mother on May 6, 1912 "saw Mr. Stead, absolutely unmistakably, and heard him speak."
  • On pages 95-96 we read Count Cedo Miyattovich say this: "There, in that slowly moving light, was not the spirit but the very person of my friend, William T. Stead...in his usual walking costume....Mr. Stead’s spirit nodded to me in a friendly manner and disappeared. Half a minute later he appeared again and stood opposite me (but somewhat higher above the floor), looking at me and bowing to me. And a little later he appeared again for the third time, seen by us all three still more clearly than before."
  • On page 100 we read W. de Kerlor state that "Mr. W. T. Stead’s face appeared right in front of me" on June 18, 1912, and in the surrounding pages he says he had a conversation with Stead. On page 103 we have a statement saying that Stead was heard talking with de Kerlor on  June 18, 1912, and the statement is signed by all these witnesses: "E. R. Richards, W. B. Yeates, M. Jacob, S. A. Adela Harper, Nini Blom, Herbert Platt, Etta Wriedt, Wm. Blom, Ella Anker, Martin Steinsvik, W. de Kerlor, Edith Katherine Harper, Secretary, Julia’s Bureau."
  • On page 131 John Duncan and Margaret Duncan state that on July 17, 1912 they saw and heard W. T. Stead with more than a dozen other people present. Similar testimony comes from Peter Galloway on page 133
  • On page 156 James Coates (the book's author) says that on July 17, 1912 he saw a cloudy light about the size of a man's hand change into the form of W. T. Stead, who Mrs. Coates recognized as Stead. Coates says the light became more defined, and James recognized it as Stead, as did Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson.  The account is backed up by Peter Reid's statement on page 159, in which he says, "On the evening of July 17th, Mr. Stead etherealised twice. The first time in cloudy form — not very clear. The second time, sufficiently defined to be recognised." Peter also says "there was an etherealisation of Mr. Stead" on July 28.  On page 160 two other witnesses confirm Peter's statements, as does another witness on page 161.  
An account of an apparition seen by multiple witnesses appears below:

newspaper ghost account

You can read the account here

Below is another account of an apparition seen by multiple witnesses:

newspaper account of ghost sighting

The account can be read here:

We have in the newspaper account here a story of an apparition seen by multiple witnesses, one that includes an account of a talking apparition. The account here also seems to tell a story of an apparition seen by multiple witnesses, as does the account here

Below is an account of an apparition seen by multiple witnesses (click on the image to read it more clearly):

recurring ghost

You can read the account here:

When I was a young boy I once had a job delivering the Evening Star newspaper in Washington D.C. The account below is from page 8 of the April 16, 1892 edition of the Evening Star, which can be read here:

The first part of the account is here:

ghost story in Newspaper

Here is the second part of the account, in which we read about two additional witnesses of the same apparition. 

ghost story in newspaper

We have two brothers and two sisters surviving the death of Anna on August 14, 1882.  Of those four siblings, three of them reported that Anna (dying far away) was either seen or heard by them or one of their children,  on August 14, 1882, before any of them knew that Anna had died on that night. This case is very strong from an evidence standpoint, the only weakness being that the editor telling the tale is not named. We may presume the person telling the story was one of the bureau chiefs of the writer's own newspaper, and the writer vouches that he is not the type who might invent stories of this type. 

It is interesting that in the very year this account was published, the Society for Psychical Research was founded in London, England. By the end of the 19th century that society would publish works such as Phantasms of the Living and articles in its journal and proceedings, establishing that accounts like the one above occur rather commonly.  The name "crisis apparition" would  eventually be given for an apparition appearing around the time of someone's death. But when this Evening Star article appeared, accounts like the one given had not yet been collected very well. The fact of the account above matching a pattern that would soon be widely recognized is a fact adding to the credibility of the account. 

Volume One of Phantasms of the Living can be read online here, and Volume Two of the work can be read hereA significant fraction of the 700+ cases reported in that two-volume work are cases in which someone reports seeing or hearing an apparition of a particular person they did not know was dead, only to find out later that just such a person had died on about the same day or exactly the same day (and often on the same hour and day). I found more than 75 such cases in "Phantasms of the Living." I have cited many of those cases in the series of posts you can read below:

An Apparition Was Their Death Notice

25 Who Were "Ghost-Told" of a Death

25 More Who Were "Ghost-Told" of a Death

The accounts given above are only a few of many cases in which more than one witness reported seeing the same apparition. For many other cases different from the ones above, see my posts below:

Much less frequent that reports of apparitions of the dead are reports of apparitions of the living. You can read about some examples in my post here

In the newspaper story below, we have a rare account of an apparition of the living seen by multiple witnesses:

newspaper ghost account

The account can be read at the link here:

The case is described more fully below (click on the image to read it better):

apparition of the living

Three members of the British parliament report with great conviction that they saw an apparition of a living man in the House of Commons, at a time that man was sick in bed far away. You can read the account here:

Apparitions of the living do nothing to discredit apparitions of the dead, whenever such apparitions are reported of people who are very sick, as in the case above. It is possible that the soul of a very sick person can kind of wander in a way similar to the soul wandering reported in near-death experiences.  

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Exhibit A That Developmental Biologists Have No Credible Explanation of Human Morphogenesis

A recent article on the Aeon web site is entitled "Building Embryos." It is written by a molecular biologist (John Wallingford) who is the past president of the Society for Developmental Biology.  The story includes misleading suggestions that developmental biologists are making big progress in understanding how the human body develops in a human womb. The subtitle of the article says, "Now there is a revolution underway." We hear that "influential biologists are making huge strides," and we have a claim of "truly explosive advances in human embryology." The boasts are not substantiated by any facts discussed in the article. Far from getting a portrait of developmental biologists starting to understand how a human body develops, we get an article that suggests developmental biologists still have no credible tale to tell of how such a thing occurs. 

The first tale Wallingford offers of how his body got here is a silly boast. He states this:

"Fifty-four years ago, I did something extraordinary. I built myself. I was a single, round cell with not the slightest hint of my final form. Yet the shape of my body now – the same body – is dazzlingly complex. I am comprised of trillions of cells. And hundreds of different kinds of cells; I have brain cells, muscle cells, kidney cells."

No, a person does not build himself. For one thing, the development of a human body within a womb requires the mother, so it is not a do-it-yourself affair in which you "build yourself."  And since "you" as a functional human being capable of building things does not arise until late in the process of human development, it is not correct to say that you built yourself. Tiny-clump-you (nine months before your birth) didn't know how to make full-baby-you, so you can hardly boast that you made  yourself. What Wallingford should have said is that the enormously organized hierarchical structure of the human body arises through some marvel of coordinated construction that biologists still don't understand.  But rather than such honest humility, Wallingford has gone all super-boastful by crowing that he built himself. 

Wallingford then states this self-contradictory statement which gives a misleading analogy:

"Our construction proceeds with no architects, no contractors, no builders; it is our own cells that build our bodies. Watching an embryo, then, is rather like watching a pile of bricks somehow make themselves into a house, to paraphrase the biologist Jamie Davies in Life Unfolding (2014)."

It seems we have here someone who is not writing very carefully, as he states in the same sentence both that when a body is constructed there are "no builders" and also that the cells are the builders, which is like someone saying, "I never smoke, and when I do smoke it's in the evening." You do not explain the marvel of the origin of a human body by claiming that cells did it. Half of the marvel of the origin of a human body is the marvel of how there arises about two hundred types of cells used by the human body, none of them specified by DNA or its genes, which do not even specify how to make the organelles from which cells are made. Most type of cells are so complex they have been compared to factories or cities in their complexity. Cells don't have any instructions on how to build things bigger than themselves (or even how to make or reproduce a cell), so you don't explain all the levels of organization higher than cells by just saying that cells built such levels. 

As for the analogy about a pile of bricks assembling into a house, it is profoundly misleading, for two reasons. The first is that while a brick is an unorganized thing (a mere block of clay), a cell is a fantastically organized component typically capable of the marvel of self-reproduction, which (given the cell's complexity) is a marvel as astonishing as an automobile splitting into two working automobiles.  So it is extremely misleading to compare cells to bricks.  Secondly, the organization of a human body is a state of vast organization requiring almost infinitely more coordinated organization than the amount of organization needed to make a house from bricks. 

The walls of a house can be built with about 10,000 bricks.  An adult human requires about 37 trillion cells of about 200 types, most of which must be placed in the right places in the body.  Most of these cells are gigantically more organized than a brick wall, with the average cell requiring a special arrangement of about 100 trillion atoms. Given such a reality, the progression from a speck-sized zygote to the full organization of the human body is not like a pile of bricks progressing to become a house, but something more like a million piles of bricks, wires, doors, glass panes, pipes, floor boards and electrical wires gradually progressing to become a city as organized as New York City, without any visible builders being around.  

morphogenesis miracle

Wallingford then goes into repeating a silly old fiction that biologists have been telling for decades, even though many other biologists have been scolding them for doing that, and saying that the story is just plain false. The fiction is the false claim that genes control development.  As soon as DNA and the genetic code was discovered, biologists started telling us the lie that DNA or it genes have some kind of blueprint, recipe or program for making a human body.  We were told this lie for 70 years. The claim was groundless, because DNA does not have any specification at all of how to make a human body or any of its organs or any of its cells or any of the organelles that make up such cells.  DNA and its genes do not even specify how to make the protein complexes that make up organelles. Indeed, DNA does not even fully specify how to make the protein molecules in the human body. DNA and its genes merely specify low-level chemical information such as the sequence of amino acids that is the starting point of a DNA molecule. 

Wallingford states this big fiction about genes by stating this: "This process of body sculpting is called embryonic development, and it is a symphony of cells and tissues conducted by genetics, biochemistry and mechanics."  He later states the same fiction by claiming that all animals have a "genetic toolkit to guide development," and the equally false claim that "genes direct the inheritance of traits from one generation to the next." Genes are mindless inert chemicals that don't have any specification about how to make either cells or anything bigger than cells, so it is untrue to claim that morphogenesis occurs because genes act like symphony conductors or like agents that are guiding development or directing inheritance.  Wallingford could have spoken carefully and truthfully by stating that organisms have a genetic toolkit that is used in the enormously complex process of development, and by stating that genes affect the inheritance of traits.  But by claiming that a genetic toolkit guides development,  he stated something as false as claiming that the toolbox of a construction crew guides the construction of an apartment building. 

By the use of the phrase "body sculpting" Wallingford was guilty of an extremely misleading phrase tending to make you think that the arising of a human body is a billion times simpler affair than it is. Given the human body's vast organization with so many different levels of hierarchical organization, everywhere requiring the most careful arrangement of trillions of atoms, calling the arising of a human body from a zygote an act of "sculpting" is as misleading  as claiming that at a shipyard the construction of a nuclear-powered  aircraft carrier is an example of mere metal sculpting.

Wallingford has a long article to fill up about human development, the arising of a full human body from a speck-sized zygote. But he has no credible tale to tell of how that happens, other than the old wives' tale fiction that genes guide development. So he fills up his article with mostly digressions. He goes into a long discussion of the history of human thinking about human development.  

Later he discusses some weird experiments involving scientists fiddling with stem cells and developing organisms.  He tries to insinuate that such fiddling sheds some light on how the human form originates, but fails to substantiate such an insinuation. 

bad scientists
Are the experiments of developmental biologists this lame?

Developmental biologists such as Wallingford typically try to fool us into thinking that the human body is something vastly simpler than it is. So, for example, Wallingford gives us this extremely misleading language: "We’ve pondered embryos for thousands of years, in part because they spark our inherent wonder; theirs is the ultimate emergent property." An embryo is a very high state of living and growing organization, not a property. A property is something simple that can be expressed as a single number (something like mass, length, width, height and depth). 

Wallingford misleads us some more by stating this:

"Science can tell us how the human embryo develops, and it is an undisputed certainty that embryos develop progressively, building complexity and identity only over time. But there is no scientific consensus on when during that progression ‘life’ begins."

No, scientists do not understand how the human embryo develops (in the sense of being able to explain adequate physical causes of such a thing); and almost every biologist agrees that life exists at the very earliest stage of development, as soon as a zygote starts splitting up into multiple cells. Cell reproduction very obviously requires life. An embryo is very complex from the beginning, so rather than it being an "undisputed certainty" that an embryo becomes complex "only over time," such a claim is a falsehood that Wallingford is teaching. 

The progression from a speck-sized zygote to the vast organization of the human body is a miracle of coordinated construction a thousand miles over the heads of biologists. Wallingford has no credible tale to tell of how the process of development occurs, his misleading claims about genes "guiding" and "conducting" and "directing" such a process being no credible tale at all.  Lacking any truthful story of how the marvel of human development can occur, all that Wallingford can do is to distract us with digressions, and try to make a developing human body sound like something a billion times less impressive than it is.  So he has engaged in shadow-speaking, trying to make something sound like the mere slightest shadow of itself.  He tries to suggest an embryo is a mere "property" or something that isn't complex at its beginning or something like a mere arrangement of bricks, or maybe something that is not even alive, or maybe just some shape that can be achieved by a little "sculpting." Rather than engaging in language so very misleading, our biologists should start properly educating us about the vast degree of hierarchical organization in our own bodies, and why every human body is a state of enormously dynamic physical organization far more impressive than any object humans have constructed.  There's a corporation that knew how to make the 747 jet from raw materials, but there is not a  nation or corporation in the world that could come anywhere close to constructing a viable human being from mere chemical raw materials. 

The public will have been properly educated about biology when you can tell the average person "you have more than 20,000 types of complex inventions in your body," and that person responds by saying, "yes, of course, you mean all the different types of protein molecules in my body" rather than saying, "what are you talking about -- that can't be right."  The public will have been properly educated when the average man may hear someone claiming that genes direct the construction of a human body, and that person replies by saying something like "that is as ridiculous as claiming that my shopping list directs the US government." 

The correct relation between DNA and the different levels of organization in a human body is illustrated in the diagram below. The black bar makes it clear that none of the seven most complex levels of organization is specified by DNA or genes.

what DNA specifies

The amount of organization in the human body can be compared to the amount of organization in a book series such as the seven books in the best-selling Harry Potter series of children's books.  Here is the hierarchical organization needed to make that book series: pixels are organized into characters or letters, and letters are organized into words, and words are organized into sentences, and sentences are organized into paragraphs, and paragraphs are organized into chapters, and chapters are organized into books, and books can be organized into a book series such as the Harry Potter series.  That's seven levels of organization higher than mere pixels. In the human body there are eight levels of purposeful organization higher than the mere polypeptide sequences (chains of amino acids) specified by DNA.  These are the eight levels:
  1. Polypeptide sequences are organized into folded 3D protein molecule shapes not specified in DNA. 
  2. Protein molecules are organized into protein complexes.
  3. Protein complexes are organized into organelles.
  4. Organelles are organized into cells.
  5. Cells are organized into tissues.
  6. Tissues are organized into organs.
  7. Organs are organized into organ systems.
  8. Organ systems and a skeletal system are organized into a human body. 
Now imagine if someone tried to explain the origin of the Harry Potter series by imagining someone merely using an ink sprayer, something that only explains the appearance of ink pixel dots, not the seven additional levels of purposeful organization needed to make that book series. That would be very ridiculous. Spraying with an ink sprayer bottle does not author a new book series.  It's even more ridiculous to try and explain a human body by appealing to DNA and its genes. To make a book series you need seven levels of purposeful organization above mere pixel dots, but to make a human body you need eight levels of purposeful organization above the mere polypeptide sequences specified by DNA. "DNA makes your body" claims are  therefore more ridiculous than someone trying to convince you that the Harry Potter series of books originated by a blindfolded spraying with an ink sprayer.  

current state of developmental biology

Appendix;  Since the lie that DNA is a blueprint or program or recipe for building bodies has so often been told, I will need to cite again a list I have compiled of distinguished scientists and other PhD's or MD's who have told us such an idea is untrue.
  • On page 26 of the recent book The Developing Genome, Professor David S. Moore states, "The common belief that there are things inside of us that constitute a set of instructions for building bodies and minds -- things that are analogous to 'blueprints' or 'recipes' -- is undoubtedly false."
  • Biologist Rupert Sheldrake says this "DNA only codes for the materials from which the body is constructed: the enzymes, the structural proteins, and so forth," and "There is no evidence that it also codes for the plan, the form, the morphology of the body."
  • Describing conclusions of biologist Brian Goodwin, the New York Times says, "While genes may help produce the proteins that make the skeleton or the glue, they do not determine the shape and form of an embryo or an organism." 
  • Professor Massimo Pigliucci (mainstream author of numerous scientific papers on evolution) has stated  that "old-fashioned metaphors like genetic blueprint and genetic programme are not only woefully inadequate but positively misleading."
  • Neuroscientist Romain Brette states, "The genome does not encode much except for amino acids."
  • In a 2016 scientific paper, three scientists state the following: "It is now clear that the genome does not directly program the organism; the computer program metaphor has misled us...The genome does not function as a master plan or computer program for controlling the organism; the genome is the organism's servant, not its master.
  • In the book Mind in Life by Evan Thompson (published by the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press) we read the following on page 180: "The plain truth is that DNA is not a program for building organisms, as several authors have shown in detail (Keller 2000, Lewontin 1993, Moss 2003)."
  • Developmental biologist C/H. Waddington stated, "The DNA is not a program or sequentially accessed control over the behavior of the cell."
  •  Scientists Walker and Davies state this in a scientific paper: "DNA is not a blueprint for an organism; no information is actively processed by DNA alone...DNA is a passive repository for transcription of stored data into RNA, some (but by no means all) of which goes on to be translated into proteins."
  • Geneticist Adam Rutherford states that "DNA is not a blueprint," a statement also made by biochemistry professor Keith Fox. 
  • "The genome is not a blueprint," says Kevin Mitchell, a geneticist and neuroscientist at Trinity College Dublin, noting "it doesn't encode some specific outcome."
  • "DNA cannot be seen as the 'blueprint' for life," says Antony Jose, associate professor of cell biology and molecular genetics at the University of Maryland, who says, "It is at best an overlapping and potentially scrambled list of ingredients that is used differently by different cells at different times."  
  • Sergio Pistoi (a science writer with a PhD in molecular biology) tells us, "DNA is not a blueprint," and tells us, "We do not inherit specific instructions on how to build a cell or an organ." 
  • Michael Levin (director of a large biology research lab) states that "genomes are not a blueprint for anatomy," and after referring to a "deep puzzle" of how biological forms arise, he gives this example: "Scientists really don’t know what determines the intricate shape and structure of the flatworm’s head."
  • Ian Stevenson M.D. stated "Genes alone - which provide instructions for the production of amino acids and proteins -- cannot explain how the proteins produced by their instructions come to have the shape they develop and, ultimately, determine the form of the organisms where they are," and noted that "biologists who have drawn attention to this important gap in our knowledge of form have not been a grouping of mediocrities (Denton, 1986; Goldschmidt, 1952; B. C. Goodwin, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1994; Gottlieb, 1992; Grasse, 1973; E. S. Russell...Sheldrake, 1981; Tauber and Sarkar, 1992; Thompson, 1917/1942)."
  • Biologist B.C. Goodwin stated this in 1989: "Since genes make molecules, genetics...does not tell us how the molecules are organized into the dynamic, organized process that is the living organism."
  • An article in the journal Nature states this: "The manner in which bodies and tissues take form remains 'one of the most important, and still poorly understood, questions of our time', says developmental biologist Amy Shyer, who studies morphogenesis at the Rockefeller University in New York City."
  • Timothy Saunders, a developmental biologist at the National University of Singapore says, "Fundamentally, we have a poor understanding of how any internal organ forms.”
  • On the web site of the well-known biologist Denis Noble, we read that "the whole idea that genes contain the recipe or the program of life is absurd, according to Noble," and that we should understand DNA "not so much as a recipe or a program, but rather as a database that is used by the tissues and organs in order to make the proteins which they need."
  • paper by Stuart A. Newman (a professor of cell biology and anatomy) discussing at length the work of scientists trying to evoke "self-organization" as an explanation for morphogenesis states that "public lectures by principals of the field contain confidently asserted, but similarly oversimplified or misleading treatments," and says that "these analogies...give the false impression that there has been more progress in understanding embryonic development than there truly has been." Referring to scientists moving from one bunk explanation of morphogenesis to another bunk explanation, the paper concludes by stating, "It would be unfortunate if we find ourselves having emerged from a period of misconceived genetic program metaphors only to land in a brave new world captivated by equally misguided ones about self-organization."
  • Referring to claims there is a program for building organisms in DNA, biochemist F. M. Harold stated "reflection on the findings with morphologically aberrant mutants suggests that the metaphor of a genetic program is misleading." Referring to  self-organization (a vague phrase sometimes used to try to explain morphogenesis), he says, "self-organization remains nearly as mysterious as it was a century ago, a subject in search of a paradigm." 
  • Writing in the leading journal Cell, biologists  Marc Kirschner, John Gerhart and Tim Mitchison stated"The genotype, however deeply we analyze it, cannot be predictive of the actual phenotype, but can only provide knowledge of the universe of possible phenotypes." That's equivalent to saying that DNA does not specify visible biological structures, but merely limits what structures an organism can have (just as a building parts list merely limits what structures can be made from the set of parts). 
  • At the Stack Exchange expert answers site, someone posted a question asking which parts of a genome specify how to make a cell (he wanted to write a program that would sketch out a cell based on DNA inputs).  An unidentified expert stated that it is "not correct" that DNA is a blueprint that describes an organism, and that "DNA is not a blueprint because DNA does not have instructions for how to build a cell." No one contradicted this expert's claim, even though the site allows any of its experts to reply. 
  • paper co-authored by a chemistry professor (Jesper Hoffmeyer) tells us this: "Ontogenetic 'information,' whether about the structure of the organism or about its behavior, does not exist as such in the genes or in the environment, but is constructed in a given developmental context, as critically emphasized, for example, by Lewotin (1982) and Oyama (1985)."
  • Biologist Steven Rose has stated, "DNA is not a blueprint, and the four dimensions of life (three of space, one of time) cannot be read off from its one-dimensional strand."
  • Jonathan Latham has a master's degree in Crop Genetics and a PhD in virology. In his essay “Genetics Is Giving Way to a New Science of Life,” a long essay well worth a read, Latham exposes many of the myths about DNA. Referring to "the mythologizing of DNA," he says that "DNA is not a master controller," and asks, "How is it that, if organisms are the principal objects of biological study, and the standard explanation of their origin and operation is so scientifically weak that it has to award DNA imaginary superpowers of 'expression'” and 'control' to paper over the cracks, have scientists nevertheless clung to it?"
  • An interesting 2006 paper by six medical authorities and scientists tells us that "biochemistry cannot provide the spatial information needed to explain morphogenesis," that "supracellular morphogenesis is mysterious," and that "nobody seems to understand the origin of biological and cellular order," contrary to claims that such order arises from a reading of a specification in DNA. 
  • Keith Baverstock (with a PhD in chemical kinetics) has stated "genes are like the merchants that provide the necessary materials to build a house: they are neither the architect, nor the builder but, without them, the house cannot be built," and that "genes are neither the formal cause (the blueprint), nor the efficient cause (the builder) of the cell, nor of the organism."
  • Evolutionary biologist Richard Lewontin stated, "DNA is not self-reproducing; second, it makes nothing; and third, organisms are not determined by it." Noting that "the more accurate description of the role of DNA is that it bears information that is read by the cell machinery," Lewontin lamented the "evangelical enthusiasm" of those who "fetishized DNA" and misspoke so that "DNA as information bearer is transmogrified into DNA as blueprint, as plan, as master plan, as master molecule." In another work he stated "the information in DNA sequences is insufficient to specify even a folded protein, not to speak of an entire organism." This was correct: DNA does not even specify the 3D shapes of proteins, but merely their sequence of amino acids. 
  • In 2022 developmental biologist Claudio D. Stern first noted "All cells in an organism have the same genetic information yet they generate often huge complexity as they diversify in the appropriate locations at the correct time and generate form and pattern as well as an array of identities, dynamic behaviours and functions." In his next sentence he stated, "The key quest is to find the 'computer program' that contains the instructions to build an organism, and the mechanisms responsible for its evolution over longer periods." Since this was written long after the Human Genome Project had been completed, he thereby suggested that no such instruction program had yet been discovered in the genome (DNA). 
  • A 2024 article says, "Martínez Arias, 68, argues that the DNA sequence of an individual is not an instruction manual or a construction plan for their body...The Madrid-born biologist argues that there is nothing in the DNA molecule that explains why the heart is located on the left, why there are five fingers on the hand or why twin brothers have different fingerprints."

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Early Newspaper Accounts of Out-of-Body Experiences

The Chronicling America web site and other web sites allow full-text searches of old newspapers. Using such sites, I found some interesting old newspaper accounts of out-of-body experiences. For example, there is the account below of a man claiming to have out-of-body experiences in which he traveled to the 1905 World's Fair in St. Louis. 

early out-of-body experience

You can read the full account here:


Below is a 1903 account of a dying boy (Walter Smith) who reports a trip to Heaven during a close brush with death that was soon followed by actual death. We have elements of a near-death experience, an out-of-body experience and perhaps what is called terminal lucidity.  Click on the image to read it better. 

early near-death experience

You can read the account below:

Below is a 1903 newspaper account:

"Jim Burlington of St. Joseph. Mo., is dead again, and has at last been buried. Burlington died, or appeared to die, about five years ago. The body was placed in a coffin and arrangements were made for its burial. Just as the funeral procession was about to leave the house life returned to Burlington's body. When he had regained consciousness Burlington declared his belief that he had really been dead. He said that he had been to heaven and told a beautiful story of the sights he had seen there. He was not a well-educated man, but described heaven as he said he had seen it in most remarkable language. Burlington's description of heaven was printed in a pamphlet soon afterward and was declared by scholars to be a most wonderful statement. Burlington was a member of a church and his statements were fully believed by the other members. One strange feature of the story was that Burlington said he saw a man in heaven who had formerly been a resident of St. Joseph, but who had moved away and was believed to he still living. Inquiry revealed the fact that the man was dead.—Sacramento Sunday News."

You can read the account using the link below:


An 1892 newspaper account tells a story with many remarkable aspects. We hear of an 18-year-old young Mexican woman (Teresa Urrea) who had remarkable healing abilities after spending days in a death-like trance:

"She had spasms, and went into a trance that lasted thirteen days. Her parents thought her dead and were preparing for the funeral when she revived and recovered. Immediately after this she began to perform wonderful cures by the laying on of hands. A lame woman was her first case. This becoming rapidly gossiped about, the lame, blind and otherwise ailing began to arrive in crowds, walking on their knees as soon as they came in sight of the house, and reciting prayers and calling the young lady the 'holy maiden.' "

We are told Teresa gave proof of her power of mind-reading, and that she "has cured more than three hundred sufferers from all kinds of complaints." We read this claim of an out-of-body experience which Teresa seemed to produce at will, with someone else corroborating the reality of the experience: 

"One incredulous individual named Jose Parades laughed in the young girl's face, whereupon, so says the report, she slipped out of her body and stood before him for an instant in double form, both shapes being perceptible to him. Parades rubbed his eyes and his hair rose on end. 'What did you see?' asked Teresa. 'Nothing,' he stammered. 'That is, it was an optical illusion.'  But he was converted."

You can read the full account using the link below:


You might be inclined to completely dismiss the account above, claiming that no one ever reports seeing the apparition of a living person. But while such apparitions are reported much more rarely than apparitions of the dead, the literature of the paranormal does include some cases of people reporting apparitions of living people. Such cases are discussed in my post here

Another newspaper account of Teresa Urrea (from April 1892) states this:

Teresa Urrea

It seems that the healing powers of Teresa Urrea lasted a long time. She eventually became a folk hero known as Saint Teresa (Santa Teresa).  Revolutionaries adopted her as an inspiration or patron saint, although she denied encouraging them directly. An 1893 newspaper article states this. 

Teresa Urrea

A 1900 newspaper article (published eight years after the original reports of her healings) describes Teresa as being a famed healer who performed miraculous cures:

Teresa Urrea

Do a Google image search for "Teresa Urrea" and you will find many articles about her. A search for newspaper articles on her using the search terms of "Teresa Urrea," "Theresa Urrea" and "Santa Teresa" or "Santa Theresa" produces quite a few matches. 

Teresa Urrea
Teresa Urrea, called Santa Teresa

Friday, August 16, 2024

Our Current Intellectual Overlords Are Much Like Their Ecclesiastical Predecessors

Recently I watched on TV the 2015 film "The Hunger Games -- Mockingjay Part 2."  The film has a fascinating plot twist near its end (spoilers ahead), although to properly understand the plot twist you have to watch the last part of the film very carefully.  

The movie involves the participation of the hero of the film series (Katniss) in the overthrow of the tyrant Coriolanus Snow, who started the "Hunger Games" rather resembling the games of the old Roman Colosseum.  Katniss (played by Jennifer Lawrence) works with a rebel leader named Alma Coin to try to achieve the overthrow of the tyrant Snow. A large crowd of rebels surrounds Snow's palace. We see a scene in which what looks like gift packages are dropped from the air, the packages hanging from balloons. Children run towards the gift packages, which then explode, killing many including the sister of Katniss, and leaving Katniss unconscious. 

When Katniss wakes up, she is told the regime of the tyrant Snow has been overthrown. It seems the bombing of the children was so terrible that Snow's men revolted against him. Katniss meets the captured Snow, who says that he did not order the bombing (which did nothing to help him), but that it was instead ordered by the rebel leader Katniss has been working with: Alma Coin. He says Coin ordered the slaughter to whip up sentiment against Snow, to help defeat him. 

Later at a meeting including Katniss we see Alma Coin urging that the horrible Hunger Games be restored, this time using the children of Snow's henchmen as the participants.  In an implausibly quick insight, Katniss seems to realize the sad truth: that the supposedly virtuous Alma Coin is really just another tyrant like Coriolanus Snow, the tyrant she has replaced.  It's a situation that can be described by the old saying, "Meet the new Boss, very much like the old Boss." 

The Hunger Games series is fiction, but the situation we see at the end of the film is like a situation that has tragically occurred again and again in history:  a hated regime is replaced by some supposedly superior regime that ends up having most of the faults of the old regime. So, for example, when the ruthless regime of the Russian Czars was replaced with the regime of the Communists, the Russians ended up with a regime as cruel as the regime that had been replaced (and actually far crueler). 

It often happens that a hated political regime is replaced by some new political regime that ends up having most of the same faults as the regime it replaced. It may also happen that an old ideological regime (a reigning structure of belief) gets gradually eclipsed by some new ideological regime that brags about its intellectual virtues, but which ends up having most of the same faults as the old ideological regime it superseded. 

To describe a particular system of belief that gained some ascendancy,  we may use the term "ideological regime."  An ideological regime is some structure of belief and related social structures and habits that have become popular in a particular place.  In a particular country there may exist more than one ideological regime.  For example, in the United States there are currently multiple ideological regimes, such as these:

(1) the belief tradition and social structure of Catholicism;

(2) the belief tradition and social structures of Protestantism, taking several different forms;

(3) the belief tradition and social structures of Darwinist materialism;

(4) the belief tradition and social structures of what we may call money-centered consumerist capitalism.

It seems that in today's press the ideological regime of Darwinist materialism has gained ascendancy. Such an ideological regime is centered around four unproven dogmas:  the dogma of the accidental origin of life, the dogma of the  accidental origin of species by so-called “natural selection,” the dogma that  brains are the source of minds or that mind activity is the same thing as brain activity, and the dogma that brains are the storage places of human memories. The average person has heard these claims so many times that he may think of one or more of them as "facts of science," but none of them is a fact. There are actually strong reasons for doubting each one of these dogmas. In particular:

  • Scientists discovered the genetic information in all cells around 1950, but it is now the year 2024, and no has ever used a microscope to discover any stored memory information in a brain of a human being, even through brain tissue has been examined at resolutions vastly greater than the resolutions sufficient to discover DNA in cells. 
  • Many humans (both children and adults) have had half of their brains removed to stop very bad and frequent epileptic seizures, but when such surgery is done, it has little effect on intelligence or memory, with learned knowledge being well preserved. 
  • Many humans can remember very well things they learned or experienced 50 years ago, but the average lifetime of the proteins in synapses (claimed to be the storage place of memories) is 1000 times shorter than 50 years (less than two weeks). 
  • Humans are able to form new memories instantly, in contradiction to all theories of brain memory storage, which typically postulate "synapse strengthening" that would take at lease quite a few minutes.
  • Even though the brain has no physical characteristics that might help allow any such thing as instant memory retrieval (something like an indexing system or a position notation system or coordinate system that might allow stored information to be quickly found), humans are able to retrieve learned information instantly upon hearing some person name or event name or place name, even if they haven't heard such a name in many years.
  • Very many humans (as many as 10 percent or 20 percent of the population) report floating out of their bodies, and observing their bodies from above them in space. 
  • Inside brains there is very severe noise of several different types that should prevent humans from being able to reliably recall large bodies of information stored in a brain, but it is a fact that many people (such as actors playing the role of Hamlet) can recall very large bodies of textual information with perfect accuracy. 
  • There are hundreds of documented cases of people who saw an apparition of someone who died, but who they did not know was dead, only to soon learn that the person had died about the time when the apparition was seen. 
  • There are also very many cases of apparitions seen by more than one person at the same time, something we should expect to never or virtually never happen if a mere brain hallucination was causing the sighting of the apparition. 
  • Instead of having some vastly greater brain connectivity that might help explain the superiority of the human mind, a study found that brain connectivity is about the same in all mammals; so we have about the brain connectivity of mice. 
  • As discussed hereherehereherehereherehere and here, there is two hundred years of written evidence (often written by very weighty figures such as scientists and doctors) for the reality of clairvoyance, an ability that is not explicable under any theory that minds are created by brains. 
  • Quite a few people who have lost  half of their brains due to disease or epilepsy surgery have average or above average intelligence; and the physician John Lorber showed that some people have above-average intelligence despite having the great majority of their brain tissue destroyed by disease. 
  • Besides a wealth of narrative evidence that some humans can have ESP (an ability inexplicable as a brain effect), there is abundant robust laboratory experimental evidence for ESP (discussed herehere and here). 
  • No one has any credible detailed theory of how a brain could ever store learned information (such as academic information) or episodic memories as neuron states or synapse states; and if such a thing were happening, it would require a whole host of very specialized memory-encoding proteins, which have never been discovered (along with some not-yet-discovered encoding scheme millions of times more complicated than the genetic code discovered around 1950). 
  • Brains show no signs of working harder during heavy thinking or memory recall, and brain scan attempts to find signs of such greater activity merely report variations such as half of one per cent, the kind of variations we would expect to get by chance, even if brains don't produce thinking or recall. 
  • Because of numerous severe slowing factors such as the cumulative slowing effect of synaptic delays and dendrites, signal transmission in the brain should be way too slow to account for the blazing fast thinking speed of some people able to do mathematical calculations at incredible speeds, and also the instant memory recall humans routinely show. 
  • People with dramatically higher recall of episodic memories or learned information seem to have no larger brains or brain superiority that could explain this.
  • Contrary to the dogma that brains produce minds, ravens with tiny brains can do as well on quite a few mental tasks as apes with large brains; and also tiny mouse lemurs do just as well on quite a few cognitive tests as mammals with brains 200 times larger. 
  • As discussed here and here, scientists have very well documented inexplicable physical effects occurring around some people, suggesting they either have powers that cannot be explained in terms of brains and bodies, or are somehow in contact with others who have such powers. 
  • There are numerous reasons for suspecting some source of a human soul or spirit outside of the human body, including the sudden unexplained origin of the universe with just the right expansion rate to allow eventual planet formation, the very precise fine-tuning of fundamental physical constants and laws of nature needed for biological habitability, the origin of life so hard to credibly explain as an accidental chemical event, the extremely hierarchical organization of biological organisms, the great abundance of complex fine-tuned protein molecules in organisms (each seeming to involve a vast mathematical improbability), the great abundance of immensely organized biological forms that are not explained by genomes that merely specify low-level chemical information, and abundant photographic evidence for paranormal effects that seem to suggest some unfathomable intelligence beyond any human understanding (see here and here for examples). 
  • People (sometimes called autistic savants) with very serious brain defects sometimes have astonishing powers of memory almost no one else has. 
  • Dying people commonly report seeing apparitions of the dead (usually their relatives), as reported herehere, and here; people having near-death experiences very frequently report encountering their deceased relatives; and widows and widowers frequently report voices or apparitions corresponding to their deceased spouses -- all just exactly as we would expect if we have souls that survive death. 
  • Many decades ago Leonora Piper was studied at great length for many years by scientists and scholars, and for many years she reported information about deceased people that should have been unknown to her. 
  • Human beings have many subtle and refined mental abilities (such as philosophical imagination, artistic creativity, musical ability, and subtle spirituality) that are inexplicable as results of brain evolution, such things having no value in increasing survival or reproduction. 
  • Despite more than seventy years of experiments trying to reproduce a natural origin of life from non-life, all such experiments have failed to produce anything living, and have also failed to produce any of the main components of microscopic living things (functional protein molecules). In fact, all experiments realistically simulating the early Earth have produced neither the "building blocks" of microscopic life (functional protein molecules, things vastly more organized than mere building blocks) nor the building blocks of the building blocks of microscopic life (amino acids). There are multiple reasons why the famed Miller-Urey experiment (producing amino acids) was not a realistic simulation of early Earth conditions.  
  • Claims that we have an explanation for the physical origin of species tend to be made by those who have not paid adequate attention to two supremely important considerations: the matter of functional thresholds and the matter of interdependent components, as I discuss here

Once we understand that the four main teachings of Darwinist materialism are belief dogmas rather than scientific facts, we can start to understand how this currently dominant ideological regime  acts today largely as a kind of stealth religion, pretty much as a kind of church-in-all-but-name. Religions have many different forms, only some theistic, and it is possible to reasonably define religion in a way that applies to many diverse systems of belief and dogma. For example, anthropologist Clifford Geertz defined a religion as " a system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in men by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic." 

Using a definition similar to that of Geertz, I have previously defined a religion as " a set of beliefs about the fundamental nature of reality and life, or a recommended way of living, typically stemming from the teachings of an authority, along with norms, ethics, rituals, roles or social organizations that may arise from such beliefs." This definition covers Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Scientology, religions which stem from authority figures such as Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, the writers of the Bible, Lao-Tzu, Gautama Buddha, Confucius, and L. Ron Hubbard. Interestingly, using the same definition of religion, it seems we should also classify Darwinist materialism as a religion. It is a fundamental way of looking at the nature of life, stemming from the teachings of an authority figure (Charles Darwin).

The table below gives some reasons why Darwinist materialism is like Roman Catholicism.

Darwinist Materialism

Roman Catholic Church

Physical Bases

University buildings, high schools, natural history museums

Churches, monasteries, convents, seminaries, Catholic schools

Old Revered Texts

Books of Charles Darwin

The Bible and works of the Church Fathers (Augustine, Aquinas, etc.)

Sacred Dogmas

Accidental origin of life, accidental origin of species by “natural selection,” brains as the source of minds, brains as storage places of memories

The Trinity, the resurrection of Jesus, the divine inspiration of the Bible, papal infallibility, dogmas about Mary, mother of Jesus

Lower Prestige Workers

High school biology teachers, experimental subjects, paid lab workers

Nuns, deacons

Middle Prestige Workers

PhD candidates, college instructors, assistant professors


High Prestige Workers

Tenured professors


Highest Prestige Persons

National Academy of Science members, Royal Society members, Nobel Prize winners

Cardinals, the Pope

Arcane Speech

Jargon-filled scientific papers

Jargon-filled theology papers, Holy Mass language

Indoctrin-ation Meetings

Biology classes, psychology classes

Sunday sermons, Sunday school

Financial Base

Countless billions in old university endowments, tuition, government funding, with $800 billion in US university endowments alone

Billions in old endowments, church property,  Sunday donations, tithes


PhD dissertations, experiments (often poorly designed and implemented), science conferences, rituals of science paper writing, countless legend and dogma recitations

Sunday Mass, baptisms, weddings, First Communion, funerals




Persecution or Libeling of Heretics

Frequent (currently non-physical, including gaslighting, slander, libel, accusatory insinuations, and stereotyping of ideological opponents and witnesses of the paranormal)

Frequent in the past


Massive “soft” censorship and repression of undesired observations such as witnessing of paranormal phenomena and successful ESP experiments 

Once very frequent, such as Legion of Decency

Speech Taboos

Very many (including fair discussion of the paranormal or evidence for design in nature)

Very many

Miracle Stories

Accidental origin of life, and accidental origin of billions of types of protein molecules in the animal kingdom, most having hundreds or thousands of well-arranged parts, requiring many miracles of accidental organization, like hundreds of falling logs forming into extensive log cabin hotels or a row of fifty tall sand castles forming from random wind and waves

Miracle stories involving Jesus, Catholic saints and the Virgin Mary (Fatima, Lourdes, etc.)

Officials in Fancy Robes?

Yes (professors during graduation ceremonies)


Despised Deviants

Witnesses of the paranormal, Darwinism critics, teleology theorists, those having spiritual experiences

In previous years, Protestants and gays


Very much, such as “blind evolution explains it all” chant and “it's all just brain activity” chant

Very much, such as Hail Mary prayers and the chants of monks

Art Forms

Materialist science fiction

Sculpture, painting, sacred music, sacred architecture


Many science figures whose work is described reverently

Many canonized saints


College textbooks and biased Wikipedia articles

Official catechisms teaching Catholic dogma


Many “just so” legends such as the legend of trans-Atlantic rafting monkeys, and many achievement legends such as the legend Darwin explained biological origins

Many legends about saints and their miracles or legends about miraculous healings or the Virgin Mary

Helper Workers

Unquestioning conformist science journalists

Laymen volunteers


Sparse iconography including endlessly repeated side-profile “Evolution of man” diagram with four or five figures facing right

Vast iconography

science is like a religion

The enormous current success of Darwinist materialism in getting people to believe in its main dogmas comes from a failure of people to perceive that Darwinist materialism is pretty much a kind of stealth religion, basically a kind of church-in-all-but-name that has infiltrated the halls and rooms of our universities.  Once you recognize the strong similarities between Darwinist materialism and an organized religion such as the Roman Catholic Church, there is a kind of "Toto pulling back the Wizard's curtain" effect in which we can suddenly see how much bluffing and bluster is going on when unproven belief community dogmas are marketed as scientific facts.

Darwinism as religion

The research communities of scientific academia and the clergy of religions both are what can be called ideological enclaves. An ideological enclave is some small subset of the population in which some particular belief system is required. The diagram below illustrates how ideological enclaves get new members and keep the enclave committed to its ideology:

ideological enclave

An expert existing in some "echo chamber" ideological enclave may be filled with dogmatic overconfidence about some opinion that is popular within his little ideological enclave. He may think something along the lines of: “No doubt it is true, because almost all my peers and teachers agree that it is true.” But the idea may seem senseless to someone who has not been long-conditioned inside this ideological enclave, this sheltered thought bubble. 

academia dogmatism

Do you want to read some of the "ignored conflicting evidence" depicted at the left of the visual above? Read the posts of this blog and this blog. To read more about the resemblance of biologists to clergy, read my post "Scientists and Clergy Have Much in Common."  

Academia serves as a kind of "Ministry of Materialism" that has quite a few similarities with the structure of organized religions.

professor priesthood

The hierarchical structure of Darwinist materialism is depicted below. The structure maintains its dominance because it is funded by gigantic sums that we may call "Darwin dollars" and "materialist money."

church-like structure of science

In the table above I claim that censorship is common in scientific academia. This conclusion is backed up by a
paper "Prosocial motives underlie scientific censorship by scientists: A perspective and research agenda."  We read this:

"A recent national survey of US faculty at four-year colleges and universities found the following: 1) 4 to 11% had been disciplined or threatened with discipline for teaching or research; 2) 6 to 36% supported soft punishment (condemnation, investigations) for peers who make controversial claims, with higher support among younger, more left-leaning, and female faculty; 3) 34% had been pressured by peers to avoid controversial research; 4) 25% reported being 'very' or 'extremely' likely to self-censor in academic publications; and 5) 91% reported being at least somewhat likely to self-censor in publications, meetings,...In a 2023 survey of academics in New Zealand, 53% reported that they were not free to state controversial or unpopular opinions, 48% reported that they were not free to raise differing perspectives or argue against the consensus among their colleagues, and 26% reported that they were not free to engage in the research of their choice."

The paper gives us a great visual, looking like the one below. We see how censorship and bias by peer reviewers and self-censorship by scientists can cause the scientific literature to present a false version of reality, leading us to think that something is true when it is not true. This is just what is happening in the world of neuroscience. Innumerable facts and observations defying the "brains make minds" dogma are excluded from scientific papers, particularly observations of the paranormal. 

scientific censorship
In previous centuries, Roman Catholicism or Protestantism were the dominant ideological regimes.  In today's world Darwinist materialism seems to be the dominant ideological regime. But it's a "meet the new Boss, very much like the old Boss" situation. Darwinist materialism sold itself as something intellectually superior. In reality it is a dogmatic belief system that suffers from most of the same flaws of the ecclesiastical regimes of thought that preceded it.  But we all love myths with a flavor of "Progress Marches Gloriously Onward." So it's hard for people to realize that our current intellectual overlords have chained us to a tyranny of dogmas as oppressive as those in medieval times. 

slow progress of science

That's why the conference scene near the end of "The Hunger Games -- Mockingjay Part 2" is so implausible. In an instant flash of insight, Katniss seems to realize that the new regime she has served is something with the same glaring defects as the old regime that it superseded. Such an insight comes only after lengthy deep thought and analysis, not in some flash of insight that instantly occurs as an epiphany.  The movie then follows with a semi-final scene that has dramatic impact but fails as a moral example and also by suggesting the misguided and unrealistic idea that regrettable regimes can be overthrown merely by a little muscle action.