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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Naked-Eye Sightings of Mysterious Orbs (Part 8)

 Below are some posts I have published about people reporting they saw mysterious orbs with the naked eye:

Let us look at some more cases of this type.  

The report below is contained on page 1 of the May, 1934 edition of The International Psychic Gazette, and seems to be a repetition of an account that appeared in the prestigious Times of London. 

"PIRANO, a little town on the Istrian coast, peopled by fishermen and sailors, is greatly excited over a mysterious emanation of light which has roused the imagination and religious sentiments of the populace (says the Times.)

A woman, Anna Morano, was admitted to the local hospital some time ago suffering from asthma and hysterical attacks. About the middle of last month a nurse noted in the ward where the woman was sleeping with six or seven others an intense light of brief duration which came from the bed of the woman in the region of her chest. All the lights of the hospital were out and the windows closed. The nurse informed the doctors of what she had seen and the patient was watched.

For several successive evenings the luminous phenomenon was repeated. Sometimes the light was directed upwards and took the form of a globe, which shone in the darkness of the ward on to the nearest beds and even on to the walls, but at other times it lighted only the face of the patient and was in the form of rays. It was also seen to assume the appearance of broken rays resembling lightning. Its duration was invariably three or four seconds.

The Times also published a letter from Mr. R. H. Jackson, M .R .C. S., of Bridgeway, Bakewell, stating that a nurse described to him the case of a private patient who was lying in a comatose state for some days. A light resembling a small luminous globe floated into the room, and, after remaining a minute or two over the patient, disappeared. She did not mention the incident to the family, but discovered later that an old maidservant who shared duty with her had also seen it on several occasions."

The International Psychic Gazette story speculates that the strange sightings were "spirit lights."

 You will read very few accounts of the paranormal as strange as the account below:


We read of a house in which unexplained water puddles were found. A paranormal investigator was brought in. Soon things much spookier were reported, as we read in the clip below:

Most people have heard of near-death experiences in which someone has a close brush with death, and reports having some striking paranormal-seeming experience that might include seeing his body from outside of it or a trip through some mysterious tunnel leading to some mystical realm where dead relatives are encountered, or events such as a rapid life review or encountering a Being of light. Much rarer than such accounts are accounts that have been called shared-death experiences. Such experiences were discussed in the 2010 book Glimpses of Eternity: Sharing a Loved One's Passage From This Life to the Next by Raymond Moody Jr.  In these "shared-death experience" accounts, a person in good health present when someone is dying may report some paranormal-seeming or mystical-experience far different from normal human consciousness. 

On page 34 we have this account: "When his grandfather died, the young man was astounded to see 'a golden ball of light' rise from his chest and pass through the ceiling."   Another orb-related account is found on page 69.  On the day of a mother's death, a son recalls that "a globe of bright light formed around us," with scenes from the mother's life mysteriously projected on this globe. 

The site www.adcrf.org is the site of an Afterdeath Communication Research Foundation organization. The site documents experiences that are often called "after-death communication." Such experiences include a wide variety of experiences in which someone may feel that there is some causal connection between the experience and a deceased person. These include things such as dreams of the deceased,  a feeling of presence involving a deceased person, or some synchronicity experience similar to the one I reported here and here

In a recent experience reported on the site, a person states this:

"I knew when Barbara died. She walked up to a pitch black wall and opened a door. Beyond the door was bright white light. Before she went through the door, she said 'see you later.' Very soon after that, I felt and saw a very strong bond of 100% commitment between us. It's an unbreakable bond. A day or so after that, I see her blue orb with her telepathic talking to me. I knew it was her. This was in the evening when I was watching TV."

On HBO Max there is a series "Black Files Declassified" which has some interesting episodes. Episode 2 of Season 2 is entitled "Secrets of the Paranormal." The host interviews an investigator (M. J. Banias) who says he has seen strange things at Skinwalker Ranch.  At the 10:10  mark the investigator says, "There's been a lot of ghost lights, blue orbs and you'll see footprints, and you'll hear things behind you, but there's nothing there."

For another report of orbs being reported at Skinwalker Ranch, see my post here

At the 1:50 mark in the program, host Mike Baker claims there was something called an Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Application Program, and that "its focus was on the paranormal, including ... ghosts and floating orbs." This claim comes from Banias. 

The approach taken by host Mike Baker in the rest of the episode seems like a ridiculous one. He spends almost the entire episode rounding up some people who try to advance very dubious-sounding theories that secret government high-energy projects produced orb sightings. 

In the HBO Max TV series "UFO Witness,"  Episode 2 of Season 2 has a theme of orb sightings. We hear near the beginning, "Sightings of glowing orb-shaped craft are on the rise," followed by the question "What do these aliens want?"  The narrator seems to be jumping to conclusions here, assuming that any orb seen in the sky is some craft from another planet.  We don't know what causes naked eye sightings of orbs. 

"There's definitely light orbs in the sky," says one of the hosts, while in Auburn, Massachusetts (USA). Another host says, "Specifically there's been many sightings of a UFO that looks like a glowing orb."  A narration then says (at the 1:43 mark) this: "In 2021 alone 48 glowing orb-shaped UFO's were spotted from New York to Maine."  We hear an eyewitness account by a woman named Samantha Dick who in 2021 around 4 AM  saw a bright color-changing orange orb "like a blob of lava" floating about, one she captured in a video that seems to show something very bright hanging in the air. 

Around the 28:15 mark someone says, "You have a lot of these people that have these interactions with these orbs, and are experiencing missing time."  In a UFO encounter, a person will sometimes claim "missing time" involving a few hours that he can't account for. 

In Episode 4 of Season 2, a woman says at about the 30:00 mark, "On my reservation we see these glowing orbs of light every night." 

Early in the first episode of Season 1 of another TV series "Aliens in Alaska" we have an account by a couple who saw a big orange orb in the sky, describing it as extremely bright. We see some video footage showing such an orb in the sky. At the 17:20 mark of the second episode of Season 1a witness tells of seeing an orange sky orb going back and forth, and then suddenly disappearing. We have a similar report around the 39:00 mark and the 40:00 mark. At the 12:48 mark in Episode 4, Colei Stockton recalls seeing a bright orange ball of light in the night sky, one that soon disappeared.  She says it was followed by a sighting of a huge ship in the sky. Around the 22:04 mark a witness says he saw two orange orbs in the sky. 

Below is part of a newspaper account from July 24, 1952:

orb sighting

You can read the story using the link below:

Below is a newspaper account from 1952, describing a "spooky, glowing ball of light."

crowd gathers to see mystery orb

You can read the full account using the link below:

 Below is a photo from an article in the Oklahoma City Times of March 26, 1918. 

angel in sky newspaper story

You can read the original account here:

The account below of a luminous ball occurred in a 1936 newspaper account you can read using the link below:


phantom light

 Below is a newspaper account of a sighting of a mysterious orb. You can read the full account here (under the headline "Mr. Schulz Views Weird Spectacle"):


How are the professors of our universities responding to all the reports of paranormal phenomena that keep arriving so abundantly? The visual below depicts the "head buried in the sand" approach of these authorities:

professor reacting to the paranormal

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