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Our future, our universe, and other weighty topics

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Eerie Emanations From the Human Body?

"The exteriorization of sensibility" is a term used for one of the strangest effects ever observed. Albert de Rochas wrote a 300-page book on the topic, one entitled "L'Extériorisation de la sensibilité: étude expérimentale & historique." The book is in French, and has apparently never been translated into English. But by using the Google Translate utility, I can get English translations of whatever pages I want.  I will quote some very interesting passages. My links will go to pages in French,  but by using Google Translate on such pages you can get text like the text I quote below.

In some of the quotations below, the French word "effluve" (meaning "vapor," "steam," or "emanation") has been poorly translated by Google Translate as "effluvia," a word meaning an unpleasant odor, secretion or discharge. Since the text specifically refers to colors of this "effluve" (to use the French word), I believe a better translation in this context is the word "emanation" (a term that vaguely means something that flows out of something else).  So I will substitute "emanation" for "effluvia" in the quotes below.  

Near the beginning of the book we have the very interesting claim that people hypnotized (referred to below as somnambulists) often report seeing a kind of aura or foggy energy surrounding the person who hypnotized them (called a "magnetizer" in the account below). We read this:

"Most somnambulists see, says Delcuse (2), a luminous and brilliant fluid surrounding their magnetizer and going out with it. At the beginning of this century, Dr. Despine in Aix-les-Bains and Dr. Charpignon in Orléans confirm the preceding observations and furthermore establish by numerous experiments that certain somnambulists could perceive, like a fog more or less luminous, not only the radiations, obscure for us, of static or dynamic electricity, but also the emanations which escaped from some bodies and in particular from magnets, gold, money."

On page 24 we read this interesting set of claims about observations made by hypnotized people:

"According to the observations of M. Luys with the aid of Albert L., the right side of the human body presents, in general... a blue coloration. The eyes, the ears, the nostrils, the lips give off irradiations of the same colors, and the irradiations are all the more intense as the subject is more vigorous. The left side releases red emanation from the sense organs, and their intensity varies similarly with the state of the subject.  Pushing his experiments in the direction of his professional occupations, Dr. Luys observed that, in male and female hysterical subjects, the coloring of the emanation of the right side becomes violet and that, in cases where there is paralysis by disappearance of the nervous activity, the luminous colorings...are sprinkled with black points. He also observed that the emanations from the eyes remain for a few hours after death, and that, if one opens the cone of a living animal, the right lobe of the brain appears of a beautiful blue...until the life completely disappears, which shows that there is no intercrossing in this kind of action of the brain as for its motor and sensitive actions."

On page 259 we read this, in which "the master" seems to refer to a hypnotist:

"Note furnished by M. Bodroux, doctor of sciences, at Poitiers. I had three remarkable subjects in which I perfectly provoked the externalization of sensibility.

The first was a 30-year-old woman..the second a student of special mathematics, M.B.; the third a girl...I have easily obtained this experience three times; I have only had experience with the customers of other subjects.

All three, in a state of rapport, saw the emanations coming out of the master's body. blue on the left, red on the right...while Mrs. A. and Mrs. C. described them as [flames], H. B. described them as ribbons."

The witnesses described such emanations as reaching between about thirty and fifty centimeters from a human body.

The author cites experiments he did with this strange effect called the exteriorization of sensibility. Due to translation difficulties and a lack of a concise clear description, I won't cite these accounts. On page 261 the author cites another investigator who gives a clear concise description of the exteriorization of sensibility. The effect is one in which the hypnotized subject will not respond to a pin prick to his skin, but will respond (just as if his own skin had been pricked) to a pin prick applied to the water in a glass of water he is holding. We read this astonishing account:

 "The subject who has been kind enough to lend himself to these experiments is a very hypnotizable subject. It was easy for me to make him pass into catalepsy and, in this phase of hypnosis, I obtain fascination, which indicates a very great suggestability....My subject very quickly develops into third-degree somnambulism, a state in which he is insensitive to all the stimuli coming from outside, but he is in direct communication with me, he hears me and will respond to me if I give it to him. He is essentially suggestible, he executes unconsciously, involuntarily, the suggestions that I make to him, he will likewise execute the post-hypnotic suggestions: in a word, his responsibility has completely disappeared. He will have amnesia when he wakes up. Such being the state of the subject, I first ascertain his absolute insensitivity by sharply pricking the skin at various points of the body with a pin; I note that there is a complete [anesthesia] everywhere. I then place a glass filled with water between the hands of the subject....I then prick the surface of the water contained in the glass with a pin and immediately my subject, by the expression of his face and by an involuntary movement, testifies that he feels pain. I then ask him what he feels and he replies: You pricked my left hand. I then press the tip of my pin against the outer wall of the glass, not touching the water, the subject expresses no sensation; I push my pin into the water again without touching the glass in any way, immediately the subject repeats to me: You prick my left hand. The experiment is repeated several times, each time I prick the glass, the subject feels nothing."

Later the same writer states, "He said: 'You prick me' each time I stuck the pin in the water, and 'you pinch me' each time I pinched the water with my fingers." This anomaly seems inexplicable under conventional assumptions about the body, but might be explicable under the assumption that humans have some aura surrounding their body, one that might be sensitive to touch. If an aura extends a few inches beyond a body, and a person under hypnosis has an enhanced sensitivity of such an aura, the person might report someone else performing pinches and pin-pricks in a glass of water the hypnotized person is holding. 

Regarding the book's claim about auras, some other books make similar claims.  In one book we read, "Clairvoyants can see flashes of color, constantly changing in the aura that surrounds every person, each thought, each feeling thus translating itself in the astral world, visible to the astral sight."  In the same book we read this interesting claim:

" 'Various observers have noticed that the aura of an Adept is not only silvery bright and intense, radiating infinitely farther into space than the aura of the ordinary man, but it is constantly pulsating and arranging itself into geometrical figures.' Colonel Olcott, who writes this (Theos. XVII, 142), seems to be rather dubious of the correctness of the fact; yet, from the observations gathered by the writer, it appears that these geometrical pulsations are not by any means confined to the auras of Adepts, but are common property; only in ordinary people, they are so faint as to be nearly invisible, even to expert seers, while in good moral persons of active intelligence, with tendencies towards occultism, they become quite apparent without the owner having any pretension to Adeptship.' "

In one of the most astonishing cases in medical history, physicians reported a blue glow coming from the body of a living woman. The woman (Anna Monaro) was called "the luminous woman of Pirano." A book gives this account:

"Signora Anna Monaro was an asthma patient, and over a period of several weeks she would emit a blue glow from her breasts as she slept. Many doctors came to witness the phenomenon, which was visible for several seconds at a time."  

Below is a 1934 newspaper story of this event, from the London Times, one entitled "The Luminous Woman":

paranormal news story

Whether such a report has any relation to claims of a human aura is unknown. In the bottom of the story above, some doctor is speculating about a kind over mind-over-matter effect producing the woman's blue glow, which is a sign of how baffled physicians were by this case. The book The Physical Phenomena of Mysticism states this: "There are so many stories of holy priests who lit up a dark cell or a whole chapel by the light which streamed from them or upon them, that I am strongly inclined in adhere to the more literal interpretation." The book then gives several accounts similar to this case of the "luminous woman of Pirano," although even more dramatic. 

A book called The Human Atmosphere by Walter John Kilner which can be read here claimed that "chemical screens" could be used to make invisible human auras visible. The author tells us on one page that an aura has three parts: an "etheric double," an Inner Aura, and an Outer Aura. On the same page the author tells us that the "etheric double" part "is, as a rule, from one to three-sixteenths of an inch in width." Below is an illustration from the book. 

human aura

"Auras have been seen at UCLA by Dr. Valerie Hunt, a professor emeritus of physics. Using special instruments, she has measured the electromagnetic aura surrounding the human body and has found it changes in intensity with variations in our health. These have been captured on X-ray film by a Swedish radiologist named  Bjorn Nordenstrom. Because they resemble the corona of the sun, Nordenstrom calls them corona structures. His research shows that these electrical fields exist throughout the body." 

In a very interesting parapsychology paper "Neglected Near-Death Phenomena," we read this on page 138:

"Another type of observation is that in which different sorts of 'emanations' have been seen emerging from the bodies of dying persons. Robert Crookall...has mentioned many cases of this sort."  

Robert Crookall (a PhD) was an extremely thorough and diligent scholar of reports of the paranormal, focusing mainly on out-of-body experiences. On page 37 of Robert Crookall's book Out-of-Body Experiences: A Fourth Analysis, we have this statement:

"We note the concordant evidence of numerous clairvoyants from all over the world, and covering many centuries, to the effect that everyone possesses not only a physical body, but also a 'semi-physical' vehicle of vitality (given a variety of names) and a 'super-physical' Soul Body (which also has various names). The vehicle of vitality is described as interpenetrating the body and extending beyond it for an inch or two (forming an inner and a denser 'aura'), while the Soul Body is described as interpenetrating both the physical body and the vehicle of vitality and extending beyond them, as an ovoid (forming a middle and a subtler 'aura')."  

On the next page Crookall states this::

"Excellent accounts of the human 'aura,' with colored illustrations, were given by C. W. Leadbeater...His descriptions, and the significance that he attributed to the various 'colors' of the 'aura," agree essentially with those given by Dr. Gerda Walther, Eileen J. Garrett, Phoebe Payne, and many others, including a number of children who cannot possibly have obtained details from books, articles, or other reports. "

Speaking of eerie emanations from the human body, in a history of abnormal hypnotic phenomena we read the following account:

"In his paper, which is entitled ' Astralnoe Telo ' [The Astral Body], he states that the experiment took place at 2 p.m. on 5 August 1892 in Tsarskoe Selo in the presence of trustworthy witnesses. Five persons were present : two of them were deeply hypnotized and shortly afterwards a spot of light appeared near the right hand of one of the subjects. This became gradually wider and brighter and seemed to be an extension from his hand. It took a pencil from the table and wrote, ' This is an astral body.'  After making a few experiments, the subjects were awakened. After drinking some tea, they repeated the experiment ; one of the subjects was again deeply hypnotized and the astral matter around him again became visible, so that the whole room was illuminated, although a lamp was already burning there."

In her very interesting 1967 book Breakthrough to Creativity: Your Higher Sense Perception, Shafica Karagulla MD discusses interviews she had with quite a few doctors who claimed to have special healing abilities or paranormal diagnostic abilities.  Typically such a doctor would say little or nothing publicly about such abilities, but would be willing to discuss the use of such abilities if anonymity was guaranteed by the author.  We read this on page 79:

"One of the things that intruiged me most and was most baffling as I talked with gifted physicians was their mention of an energy field around the body and interpenetrating the body.  Some of them saw this energy field in much more detail than others did.  They were able to note variations in the field that assisted them in diagnosis.  There were a few who saw vortices of energy at certain points along the spine, connected with or influencing the endocrine system.  This energy field which they described as a living, moving web of frequency intimately connected with conditions in the physical body began to emerge as an important project for research."  

A 1974 book states this about a survey of people who claim to see human auras:

"According to a Fate Magazine study conducted by Louis J. Vacca, respondents see first a narrow dark band,  one quarter inch wide next to the skin. Beyond this, projecting for two to four inches, they see a second aura, the inner aura, which they said was very clear.  Past this region of the energy envelope they perceived a third aura, misty and without sharp outlines, extending out six to eight inches. The two-to-four inch inner aura is only faintly colored  -- silvery, greenish or golden, they told the pollsters." 

Five things may be relevant to such claims:

(1) A type of high-frequency photography called Kirlian photography shows some kind of energy extruding slightly from the body of humans, animals and plants. The nature of this energy is a matter of debate. 
(2) In the Soviet Union, there was reported a "phantom leaf" effect whereby if a leaf was photographed using Kirlian photography, and the leaf had one section removed, a photo might show something that looked like the removed section was still there.  Some scientists in the US reported being unable to reproduce the effect. But in the paper here, the effect is reported as being well-replicated, with the effect occuring in 96 out of 137 plants. 
(3) Most people who have lost a limb or a finger due to accident or amputation may report a strange sense of "phantom pain" occurring, as if the lost limb or finger still existed. The phantom limb pain effect (PLP) reportedly occurs in a majority of amputees.  
(4) The well-documented medical effectiveness of acupuncture (in some treatments such as pain-relief) is extremely hard to explain under all mainstream theories, but such a success may not be surprising under some theory of a human aura or some mysterious human body energy (sometimes called chi or qi by the Chinese).  Some related studies can be found in the book Galaxies of life: The Human Aura in Acupuncture and Kirlian Photography which can be read here
(5) Among the thousands of photos I have taken of mysterious orbs, which include 800+ photos of mysterious striped orbs, more than 75 seemed to show a kind of aura protruding from the orbs.  A striking example is my photo below, where we see sky orbs that not only seem to share the same stripe, but also have a similar-looking orange emanation. 

night orbs

On a page of the Galaxies of Life book, discussing Kirlian photography, we read this:

"V. M. Inyushin (1968), in a long theoretical paper, has opted for the term 'bioplasma body' as descriptive of the emanations and internal structure of the objects photographed, quoting such authorities on bio-energetics and bio-electronics as Szent-Gyorgy and Presman. In conversation with Inyushin, Moss learned that he conceives of the 'bioplasma body' as similar, if not identical,  to the 'aura' or 'astral body' as defined in Yogic literature." 

At the page here, you can see a very interesting series of Kirlian-type photos of rose leaves at different time intervals. The photo taken just after the leaves were cut shows an aura-like emanation protruding strongly from the rose-leaves.  The photo taken seven hours later shows such aura-like emanations at about half their original strength. The photo taken 14 hours after the rose leaves were cut show a much-diminished effect only about a fourth as strong as the original effect. On the page here, an expert named Jack R. Worsley is asked about the phantom leaf effect. He states this, apparently referring to Kirlian-type photography of humans:

"We can see the shape of a lost limb following amputations. The more pronounced the 'phantom pains' are in an amputee, the more visible is the amputated part of the body."

The idea that there is a human aura not visible to the eye of most humans may not seem so fantastic after you ponder two points. First, humans can perceive only a small fragment of the electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic radiation may be any of many forms of radiation, and most of these forms (such as gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, microwaves and radio waves) are invisible to the human eye. So clearly there is not any principle in nature that eyes can see everything that's out there. 

Secondly, mainstream scientists such as cosmologists and physicists  assert that each of us is surrounded by invisible energy: what they call dark energy. They tell us that such energy exists not just in outer space but everywhere, unseen by our eyes, and not directly observed by any scientific instrument. A major science magazine puts it this way:

"Dark energy is everywhere – and when we say everywhere, we mean everywhere. It suffuses every corner of the cosmos, absolutely dominating everything in it. It dictates how the universe behaves now and how it will end. What a pity, then, that we have no clue what it is."

It makes no sense to rule out the possibility of some invisible mysterious aura energy associated with humans and undetectable by instruments when so many mainstream scientists are claiming an invisible mysterious energy undetectable by instruments exists everywhere. If one such energy exists, we may reasonably suspect that two or more such energies may exist. Just as we have no idea whether there are other dimensions that we cannot observe, we have no idea whether our planet or our bodies involve some type of radiation or energy other than electromagnetic energy. 


  1. The aura is sort of like a "glue" which binds the mind to the body.

    It is often thought that the aura comes before the physical body, rather than something just emanating from it. This actually seems to explain, for example, why phantom limb syndrome occurs - e.g. removing the physical limb does not necessarily remove the corresponding etheric limb, so the patient will continue to feel pain for some time.

    "Hands of Light" is an interesting book I read about auras and its relation to mind-body and health. Some of the contents are quite technical though. Have you read it before?


    1. Thanks for the link. I'm starting to look at that book now, and it seems like a weighty treatment on this topic. The illustrations are fascinating.

    2. However, its treatment of the topic is quite speculative and sometimes very dogmatic.
