Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Veridical Apparitions Are Not Very Rare

In the series of posts listed below I gave many examples of people who saw an apparition of someone they did not know was dead, only to soon learn that the person had died about the same time the apparition was seen:

Let us look at some more cases of this type, which are sometimes called crisis apparitions or veridical apparitions. In the newspaper report below, we read of an Arctic explorer who saw an apparition of his daughter while the explorer was in icy wastes very far from Philadelphia, where the daughter lived. The explorer wrote down the day when this apparition appeared. Months later he found the daughter had died on the same day.

veridical apparition

You can read the account below:


The 1996 account below tells of a pilot who seemed to see an apparition of another pilot days before he learned of the pilot's death:

You can read the full story here:

A 1906 paper tells us this about a Colonel Longfeld who was "ghost-told" of someone's death:

wraith sighting

You can read the full account here:

Next I have an eerie case that rather seems to be a case of someone named Campbell being "ghost-told" of his own death. The account comes from pages 337-338 of the 1864 book "Savage Africa" by William Winwood Reade. It's an account we might call "The Fatal Bed":

"Mr. Beale was taken on board the ' Dover,' shook hands with the captain on deck, went below, and expired almost immediately.  Mr. Trestrail, his colleague, sat down to write out the case... Toward the end the hand-writing changes its character, becomes uneven, and sometimes scarcely legible. A few hours afterward Trestrail was a corpse. The two surgeons were buried together.

Mr. Campbell wrote out a report of Mr. Trestrail's case. He slept alone in the surgeons' quarters, in the same bed in which the two others had died. 

A palisade was being erected around their grave. Mr. Savage is a mulatto trader on the island. A few days afterward Campbell came to him and asked him to give him a bed. Savage complied with his request. 

' Don't you like your quarters ?' he said.

' No," replied Campbell. ' I have seen Beale. And, Savage,' he added, ' I shall never see my poor wife and children any more."

As the palisade round the grave was finished Dr. Campbell also died."

We may presume that Campbell became convinced he would soon die because he saw the apparition of Beale.  In the next pages we are told of two materialists claiming what sounds like dramatic and varied poltergeist activity in the following days. 

The newspaper account below tells of a 3-year-old who did not know his mother was dead, at the time he seemed to see an apparition of the mother:

child seeing mother's ghost

You can read the account here:


At the link here, we read a newspaper account of a Colonel Langfeld seeing an apparition while in east Africa:

"Rising to see who was there, he was surprised to find a European sitting at his table, which was fully set out for a meal. As the stranger raised his head in the full moonlight he saw that it was his friend (who had gone to Nyanza), but hollow eyed and with a suffering mien. The colonel managed to utter a question, when suddenly the apparition vanished and the table appeared clear of all dishes. Six weeks later word came to the station that on the same day on which these remarkable events had happened or seemed to happen the young merchant had lost his way and had been killed and partly eaten by wild beasts."

In the account below, someone tells of seeing an apparition of her brother, holding a telegram announcing his death, with both the apparition and the telegram vanishing. Three days later the telegraph announcing the death arrived, in permanent physical form. 

veridical apparition

The account below appeared in the Napa Valley Register in 1922, and can be read here. We read this:

"Edward Fitzgerald, the translator of 'Omar' and one of the least superstitious of men, told of an apparition he was quite unable to explain on natural lines. He saw clearly his sister and her children having tea in his dining room, through the window from bis garden, although they were not visiting him at the time. He also saw his sister quietly withdraw from the room, as though fearing to disturb the children. At that moment she died in Norfolk."

An 1897 newspaper account tells of a Judge Phillips who had a friend who promised when they parted, "I shall look you to the face again before I die." The two never met again under normal conditions. But while riding a carriage, Judge Phillips says he saw an apparition of the friend, one that persisted for minutes. He later learned the friend died about the same time.  Below is the middle part of the story:

ghost-told of a death

You can read the full story here:

Below is a diagram serving to remind you of the philosophical relevance of apparition sightings.  Apparition sightings are part of a body of interrelated evidence indicating that we are souls rather than mere outputs of brains. The items in this diagram are discussed here. 

near-death experiences related topics

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