Saturday, December 28, 2024

Expose of the Human Genome Project Fails to Mention Its Biggest Lies

The site has some fine examples of science journalism. A recent article at the site tells a shocking tale. The article is entitled "Haunting the Human Genome Project: A Question of Consent." We are told something I have never read before: "When a much-celebrated working draft of the human genome was published in 2001, the vast majority of it — nearly 75 percent — came from just one Roswell Park volunteer, an anonymous male donor known as RP11." The African-American man signed a consent form that assured him that no more than 10% of the genome map would be built from his DNA. The promise of that consent form was violated.  We read this:

"The revelations potentially cast a stain on a project that had been extolled for its high ethical standards. 'It’s a big deal when researchers act deceptively, which is to say they do things that they said they weren’t going to do, or don’t do things that they said they were,' said Paul Appelbaum, a Columbia University professor who specializes in legal and ethical issues in medicine, psychiatry, and genetics..... “I think it’s fair to say RP11 was probably misled about what was going to happen,” said R. Alta Charo, a professor emerita of law and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison....Appelbaum described the episode as exemplary of a long history of deceptions that have contributed to a lack of trust in the research enterprise, especially in minoritized communities....To Appelbaum, however, the idea that the Human Genome Project’s landmark paper may have misrepresented donor procedures is gravely concerning — the kind of transgression that can erode public trust in science more broadly.... The reference assembly that emerged from the Human Genome Project has become 'the foundation for all genomic data and databases,' wrote the authors of a 2019 opinion piece in the journal Genome Biology. And to this day, the most widely used reference assemblies continue to derive more than 70 percent of their sequence from a person who did not clearly consent to that level of use."

Such claims of deceit are troubling. But the deceit involved is "chickenfeed" or "peanuts" compared to vastly greater deceit which occurred in connection with the Human Genome Project. This was the deceit of claiming that the project was going to discover a specification of how to make a human body, one stored in DNA (the human genome).  The pitchmen of the Human Genome Project told us again and again that the project should be funded because it was going to discover a blueprint for the human body. The human genome (DNA) has no such specification of how to make a human body or any of its organs or cells. Consisting of only low-level chemical information such as which amino acids make up particular proteins, DNA never provided the slightest reason for suspecting that it was a specification for how to build a human body or any of its cells. 

There were various versions of the lie told to justify the Human Genome Project:

  • Some described DNA or the genome as a blueprint for a human.
  • Some described DNA or the genome as a recipe for making a human.
  • Some described DNA or the genome as a program for building a human.
  • Some claimed that DNA or genomes specify the anatomy of a human. 
  • Some claimed that genotypes (the DNA in organisms) specify phenotypes (the observable characteristics of an organism).
  • Many claimed that phenotypes (the observable characteristics of an organism) are "expressions" of genotypes (the DNA in organisms). 
  • Some claimed that genotypes (the DNA in organisms) "map"  phenotypes (the observable characteristics of an organism) or "map to" phenotypes.
  • Some claimed that DNA contains "all the instructions needed to make a human."
  • Some claimed that there is a "genetic architecture" for a person's body or some fraction of that body. 
  • Using a little equation, some claimed that a "genotype plus the environment equals the phenotype," a formulation as false  as the preceding statements, since we know of nothing in the environment that would cause phenotypes to arise from genotypes that do not specify such phenotypes. 

These were all the most outrageous lies. DNA contains only low-level chemical information, not high-level anatomy information. DNA does not even tell how to build cells or any of the organelles that make up cells. Weaker formulations of the lies above idea included claims that DNA is "life's instruction book" or "the key to life" or "the book of life" or "the secret of life." While such rather vague assertions are not as explicitly false as the statements in the bullet list above, such formulations are equally misleading, as they insinuate the false claims in such a bullet list. Variations on these false statements above may use the term "genes" rather than DNA or genome. Such statements are equivalent to the statements above, because a gene is merely part of DNA (human DNA consists of roughly 20,000 genes). 

There is no truth to the claim that DNA is a specification for anatomy.  DNA merely specifies low-level chemical information such as which sequences of amino acids make up polypeptide chains that are the starting points of protein molecules.  Many biology authorities (some of which I quote below) have confessed this reality that DNA does not specify anatomy. 

But the pitchmen of the Human Genome Project told us endless lies about DNA like the ones above, claiming that DNA is something vastly more than it is, and claiming that the human genome is something vastly more than it is. In fact, their lies continue on US government web sites which continue to teach false claims about DNA. 

(1) At the government page here ( we are incorrectly told "The genome contains all the instructions for you to grow throughout your lifetime."  This is not true. A genome (a person's DNA) merely specifies low-level chemical information, and does not specify how the progression from a tiny speck-sized zygote to a full adult body can occur. No instructions on how to build a human body are found in DNA, which does not even specify how to make any of the roughly 200 types of cells in the human body. 

(2) The US government page here ( misleadingly states that "the complete DNA instruction book, or genome, for a human contains about 3 billion bases and about 20,000 genes on 23 pairs of chromosomes." In this sentence DNA is referred to as if it is an instruction book for making a human. DNA is no such thing. All it contains is low-level chemical information, such as which amino acids make up particular proteins.  The same page misleads us when it states this: "DNA contains the instructions needed for an organism to develop, survive and reproduce." DNA does have any instructions for how a full human body can develop from a speck-sized fertilized zygote, and DNA does not tell us anything about what we need to survive or reproduce. 

(3) Another US government page ( here falsely tells us that "Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the chemical compound that contains the instructions needed to develop and direct the activities of nearly all living organisms." DNA does not have instructions specifying the anatomical organization of a human, and does not "direct the activities of nearly all living organisms." DNA lists the structure of some chemicals you need; it does not direct your activities. The same page contains the untrue claim that "DNA contains the information needed to build the entire human body." DNA does not specify any anatomical structures in a human, and does not even specify how to make any of the 200 types of cells in they human body. The same page makes the extremely absurd claim that "virtually every human ailment has some basis in our genes." For example, when you get pneumonia or influenza or COVID-19 or many infectious diseases, you have got an ailment that does not have any basis in your genes. And when you are injured in an accident, that has no basis in your genes.  

(4) On the page here ( we get the false claim that "Each genome contains the information needed to build and maintain that organism throughout its life."  Genomes (DNA molecules) contain no instructions on how to build an organism or any of its cells. The rest of the page contains some equally misleading misinformation. 

(5) The title of the NASA web page here ( refers to DNA as "the blueprint for life."  The page makes the very untrue claim that DNA  "contains the instructions to build and operate every living being on Earth."  

(6) On the US government page here ( we are given a link to the video at (here). At the beginning of that video, we have a young boy say, "I have always found it really intriguing that everything about who we are and what we look like is controlled by these tiny molecules called DNA." This extremely false statement is not corrected, just as if the makers of the video wanted you to believe it is true. 

US Government DNA Misinformation
A misleading visual on a US government web page

Since the lie that DNA is a blueprint or program or recipe for building bodies has so often been told, I will need to cite again a list I have compiled of distinguished scientists and other PhD's or MD's who have told us such an idea is untrue. Below is the list:
  • On page 26 of the recent book The Developing Genome, Professor David S. Moore states, "The common belief that there are things inside of us that constitute a set of instructions for building bodies and minds -- things that are analogous to 'blueprints' or 'recipes' -- is undoubtedly false."
  • Biologist Rupert Sheldrake says this "DNA only codes for the materials from which the body is constructed: the enzymes, the structural proteins, and so forth," and "There is no evidence that it also codes for the plan, the form, the morphology of the body."
  • Describing conclusions of biologist Brian Goodwin, the New York Times says, "While genes may help produce the proteins that make the skeleton or the glue, they do not determine the shape and form of an embryo or an organism." 
  • Professor Massimo Pigliucci (mainstream author of numerous scientific papers on evolution) has stated  that "old-fashioned metaphors like genetic blueprint and genetic programme are not only woefully inadequate but positively misleading."
  • Neuroscientist Romain Brette states, "The genome does not encode much except for amino acids."
  • In a 2016 scientific paper, three scientists state the following: "It is now clear that the genome does not directly program the organism; the computer program metaphor has misled us...The genome does not function as a master plan or computer program for controlling the organism; the genome is the organism's servant, not its master."
  • In the book Mind in Life by Evan Thompson (published by the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press) we read the following on page 180: "The plain truth is that DNA is not a program for building organisms, as several authors have shown in detail (Keller 2000, Lewontin 1993, Moss 2003)."
  • Developmental biologist C/H. Waddington stated, "The DNA is not a program or sequentially accessed control over the behavior of the cell."
  •  Scientists Walker and Davies state this in a scientific paper: "DNA is not a blueprint for an organism; no information is actively processed by DNA alone...DNA is a passive repository for transcription of stored data into RNA, some (but by no means all) of which goes on to be translated into proteins."
  • Geneticist Adam Rutherford states that "DNA is not a blueprint," a statement also made by biochemistry professor Keith Fox. 
  • "The genome is not a blueprint," says Kevin Mitchell, a geneticist and neuroscientist at Trinity College Dublin, noting "it doesn't encode some specific outcome."
  • "DNA cannot be seen as the 'blueprint' for life," says Antony Jose, associate professor of cell biology and molecular genetics at the University of Maryland, who says, "It is at best an overlapping and potentially scrambled list of ingredients that is used differently by different cells at different times."  
  • Sergio Pistoi (a science writer with a PhD in molecular biology) tells us, "DNA is not a blueprint," and tells us, "We do not inherit specific instructions on how to build a cell or an organ." 
  • Michael Levin (director of a large biology research lab) states that "genomes are not a blueprint for anatomy," and after referring to a "deep puzzle" of how biological forms arise, he gives this example: "Scientists really don’t know what determines the intricate shape and structure of the flatworm’s head."
  • Ian Stevenson M.D. stated "Genes alone - which provide instructions for the production of amino acids and proteins -- cannot explain how the proteins produced by their instructions come to have the shape they develop and, ultimately, determine the form of the organisms where they are," and noted that "biologists who have drawn attention to this important gap in our knowledge of form have not been a grouping of mediocrities (Denton, 1986; Goldschmidt, 1952; B. C. Goodwin, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1994; Gottlieb, 1992; Grasse, 1973; E. S. Russell...Sheldrake, 1981; Tauber and Sarkar, 1992; Thompson, 1917/1942)."
  • Biologist B.C. Goodwin stated this in 1989: "Since genes make molecules, genetics...does not tell us how the molecules are organized into the dynamic, organized process that is the living organism."
  • An article in the journal Nature states this: "The manner in which bodies and tissues take form remains 'one of the most important, and still poorly understood, questions of our time', says developmental biologist Amy Shyer, who studies morphogenesis at the Rockefeller University in New York City."
  • Timothy Saunders, a developmental biologist at the National University of Singapore says, "Fundamentally, we have a poor understanding of how any internal organ forms.”
  • On the web site of the well-known biologist Denis Noble, we read that "the whole idea that genes contain the recipe or the program of life is absurd, according to Noble," and that we should understand DNA "not so much as a recipe or a program, but rather as a database that is used by the tissues and organs in order to make the proteins which they need."
  • paper by Stuart A. Newman (a professor of cell biology and anatomy) discussing at length the work of scientists trying to evoke "self-organization" as an explanation for morphogenesis states that "public lectures by principals of the field contain confidently asserted, but similarly oversimplified or misleading treatments," and says that "these analogies...give the false impression that there has been more progress in understanding embryonic development than there truly has been." Referring to scientists moving from one bunk explanation of morphogenesis to another bunk explanation, the paper concludes by stating, "It would be unfortunate if we find ourselves having emerged from a period of misconceived genetic program metaphors only to land in a brave new world captivated by equally misguided ones about self-organization."
  • Referring to claims there is a program for building organisms in DNA, biochemist F. M. Harold stated "reflection on the findings with morphologically aberrant mutants suggests that the metaphor of a genetic program is misleading." Referring to  self-organization (a vague phrase sometimes used to try to explain morphogenesis), he says, "self-organization remains nearly as mysterious as it was a century ago, a subject in search of a paradigm." 
  • Writing in the leading journal Cell, biologists  Marc Kirschner, John Gerhart and Tim Mitchison stated"The genotype, however deeply we analyze it, cannot be predictive of the actual phenotype, but can only provide knowledge of the universe of possible phenotypes." That's equivalent to saying that DNA does not specify visible biological structures, but merely limits what structures an organism can have (just as a building parts list merely limits what structures can be made from the set of parts). 
  • At the Stack Exchange expert answers site, someone posted a question asking which parts of a genome specify how to make a cell (he wanted to write a program that would sketch out a cell based on DNA inputs).  An unidentified expert stated that it is "not correct" that DNA is a blueprint that describes an organism, and that "DNA is not a blueprint because DNA does not have instructions for how to build a cell." No one contradicted this expert's claim, even though the site allows any of its experts to reply. 
  • paper co-authored by a chemistry professor (Jesper Hoffmeyer) tells us this: "Ontogenetic 'information,' whether about the structure of the organism or about its behavior, does not exist as such in the genes or in the environment, but is constructed in a given developmental context, as critically emphasized, for example, by Lewotin (1982) and Oyama (1985)."
  • Biologist Steven Rose has stated, "DNA is not a blueprint, and the four dimensions of life (three of space, one of time) cannot be read off from its one-dimensional strand."
  • Jonathan Latham has a master's degree in Crop Genetics and a PhD in virology. In his essay “Genetics Is Giving Way to a New Science of Life,” a long essay well worth a read, Latham exposes many of the myths about DNA. Referring to "the mythologizing of DNA," he says that "DNA is not a master controller," and asks, "How is it that, if organisms are the principal objects of biological study, and the standard explanation of their origin and operation is so scientifically weak that it has to award DNA imaginary superpowers of 'expression'” and 'control' to paper over the cracks, have scientists nevertheless clung to it?"
  • An interesting 2006 paper by six medical authorities and scientists tells us that "biochemistry cannot provide the spatial information needed to explain morphogenesis," that "supracellular morphogenesis is mysterious," and that "nobody seems to understand the origin of biological and cellular order," contrary to claims that such order arises from a reading of a specification in DNA. 
  • Keith Baverstock (with a PhD in chemical kinetics) has stated "genes are like the merchants that provide the necessary materials to build a house: they are neither the architect, nor the builder but, without them, the house cannot be built," and that "genes are neither the formal cause (the blueprint), nor the efficient cause (the builder) of the cell, nor of the organism."
  • Evolutionary biologist Richard Lewontin stated, "DNA is not self-reproducing; second, it makes nothing; and third, organisms are not determined by it." Noting that "the more accurate description of the role of DNA is that it bears information that is read by the cell machinery," Lewontin lamented the "evangelical enthusiasm" of those who "fetishized DNA" and misspoke so that "DNA as information bearer is transmogrified into DNA as blueprint, as plan, as master plan, as master molecule." In another work he stated "the information in DNA sequences is insufficient to specify even a folded protein, not to speak of an entire organism." This was correct: DNA does not even specify the 3D shapes of proteins, but merely their sequence of amino acids. 
  • In 2022 developmental biologist Claudio D. Stern first noted "All cells in an organism have the same genetic information yet they generate often huge complexity as they diversify in the appropriate locations at the correct time and generate form and pattern as well as an array of identities, dynamic behaviours and functions." In his next sentence he stated, "The key quest is to find the 'computer program' that contains the instructions to build an organism, and the mechanisms responsible for its evolution over longer periods." Since this was written long after the Human Genome Project had been completed, he thereby suggested that no such instruction program had yet been discovered in the genome (DNA). 
  • A 2024 article says, "Martínez Arias, 68, argues that the DNA sequence of an individual is not an instruction manual or a construction plan for their body...The Madrid-born biologist argues that there is nothing in the DNA molecule that explains why the heart is located on the left, why there are five fingers on the hand or why twin brothers have different fingerprints."
  • A 2022 paper in the journal Science (one authored by more than ten scientists) says this: "Although the genome is often called the blueprint of an organism, it is perhaps more accurate to describe it as a parts list composed of the various genes that may or may not be used in the different cell types of a multicellular organism....The genome in and of itself does not provide an understanding of the molecular complexity of the various cell types of that organism."
In the very mainstream publication The Guardian, science writer Phillip Ball says this about the Human Genome Project that ended in 2003, noting the failure of science figures to clean up their old misstatements about DNA after they were debunked by the Human Genome Project:

"But a blizzard of misleading rhetoric surrounded the project, contributing to the widespread and sometimes dangerous misunderstandings about genes that now bedevils the genomic age. So far, there have been few attempts to set the record straight. Even now, the National Human Genome Research Institute calls the HGP an effort to read 'nature’s complete genetic blueprint for building a human being' – the 'book of instructions' that 'determine our particular traits'. A genome, says the institute, 'contains all of the information needed to build and maintain that organism'. But this deterministic 'instruction book' image is precisely the fallacy that genomics has overturned, and the information in the genome is demonstrably incomplete. Yet no one associated with genomic research seems bothered about correcting these false claims...Plenty remain happy to propagate the misleading idea that we are 'gene machines' and our DNA is our 'blueprint'.

The correct relation between DNA and the different levels of organization in a human body is illustrated in the diagram below. The black bar makes it clear that none of the seven most complex levels of organization is specified by DNA or genes.

I understand the main reason why the salesmen of the Human Genome Project (many of them scientists) kept lying about the nature of DNA (the human genome). It was because they wanted to aggrandize DNA, and make it sound like something gigantically more important than it is, to maximize the chance of their project getting funding. But the project was completed more than twenty years ago. Why do the lies about DNA keep coming from so many materialist scientists? The answer to that question is told in my post here

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